I watched this morning’s debate on Meet the Press between Markos Moulitsas and Harold Ford Jr. It was hosted by MC Rove’s BFF, David ‘Stretch’ Gregory. I have to give kudos to Markos. He wiped the floor with Ford. I was particularly surprised with Markos’ tone, which was so far from respectful that he actually called Ford a ‘shill’ at one point. Not only that, but he forced Ford to bow down and kiss his ring, promising to attend next year’s Netroots Nation conference.

I noticed that Markos has learned the art of answering the question that you want to answer, rather than the question that was posed. In doing so, he was able to keep up the attack and not sound defensive. When Ford got frustrated he accused Daily Kos of making hateful remarks about Jewish Americans. Markos parried that ridiculous charge with ease and then asked Ford why he goes on Fox News and attacks Harry Reid.

Markos repeatedly alluded to the DLC’s incredibly small membership, lack of movement support, and embarrassment with core progressive values. The funniest part of the segment was when Markos blamed the DLC’s policies for the collapse of the New Orleans levees and the bridge in Minneapolis. Ford didn’t like that, but Markos didn’t back down…telling him that slashing taxes was no way to upkeep the nation’s infrastructure.

Gregory tried to paint Markos as a liberal, but he wouldn’t take that bait either. He insisted that his personal politics were not very important to the movement, and then he pointed out that the movement has supported candidates from the full spectrum of the Democratic Party…both true.

It was an excellent performance by Markos. He made Harold Ford look slightly clueless and incredibly weak, as he groveled and spouted meaningless platitudes, in an apparent effort to suck up to the netroots. The DLC needs a better spokesperson. And no wonder Harold Ford couldn’t beat Bob Corker. He is not a good debater.