You may not have heard of Mike Huckabee, but he is running for president of the United States of America. Huckabee served as the Governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007. He’s a social conservative that served as chairman of the National Governors’ Association and chairman of the Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission. He doesn’t have much money or name recognition but he just scored a strong second place in the Ames, Iowa Republican Straw Poll. By besting Sen. Sam Brownback, he can expect to take up the banner of anti-women extremists within the Republican Party. It could be enough for him to win the Iowa caucuses and make some waves in the presidential race. Noam Scheiber has some analysis in The New Republic, but the most interesting part was his description of the attitude of the press to Huckabee’s strong showing.
A final thought: The political press is absolutely head over heels for Huckabee. (There were high-fives all around when it became clear he’d finish second.) He’s a genuinely endearing guy who can banter with the best of them–watching him with reporters brings to mind the old black and white footage of Babe Ruth jawboning with sportswriters. When you add that to the political media’s general affinity for underdogs, you can see how Huckabee’s about to enjoy some serious media afterglow, which will only further boost his profile.
I would really like it if Noam Scheiber would name names. Which reporters were exchanging high-fives over Mike Huckabee’s success? Who are these people and what the hell is wrong with them?
Look at this dude:
# I first became politically active because of abortion, when I helped pass Arkansas’ Unborn Child Amendment, which requires the state to do whatever it legally can to protect life.
# As Governor, I did all I could to protect life. The many pro-life laws I got through my Democrat legislature are the accomplishments that give me the most pride and personal satisfaction.
Repeat after me: Mike Huckabee is a W-I-N-G-N-U-T. Don’t believe me? Look at this:
# I consistently opposed banning assault weapons and opposed the Brady Bill.
# As Governor, I protected gun manufacturers from frivolous law suits.
# I was the first Governor in the country to have a concealed handgun license.
Like his position on abortion and guns? How about gay rights?
# I support and have consistently supported passage of a federal constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
# As Governor of Arkansas, I led the successful effort to pass a similar state constitutional amendment in 2002.
Huckabee is an assault gun loving religious extremist. He’s also a nice person that makes friends easily with reporters…kind of like Babe Ruth. It’s hard to overstate how inappropriate it is for print journalists to be high-fiving each other over the political success of any politician. But a gay-bashing, woman-hating, assault-rifle toting, religious nutcase? I want names.
Bring him on!
At this point, he’s calling into question the reputations of all the reporters present instead of just those who actually did the celebratory high-fiving. Seems only fair to those who didn’t engage in this to name those who did..
Aside from his beliefs and his politics and who he’s beholden to, he sounds like a nice guy. I’d have a beer with him. Is he for prohibition too?
Said it before and I’ll say it again. Huckabee is a contender. He is their darkhorse candidate. Right now I’d lay odds on a Romney candidacy, but Huckabee is one of the few with a chance at the steal.
In the straw poll, the fundies won, not Mitt Romney.
There’s not two inches worth of difference (or polling results) between Huckabee, Brownback, and Tancredo:
Together, the three of them represent the “fundie wing” of the GOP. Take away the names, because the names don’t matter. The fundies won. Only one of the three will survive until the caucuses, and whoever survives gets the the fundie vote (2587 + 2192 + 1961).
Rudy and Mitt split the “non-social conservative” vote. Fred gets the leftovers. St. John gets the nucking futz vote, and that’s it (if he stays in the race that long).
Big winner in Ia.? Ron Paul. You heard it here first.
Now, with added holy war.
I don’t think it’s going to make the large chunk of social conservative voters who are catholic very happy if Huckabee gets the nomination.
I’m guessing that one of the folks Scheiber has in mind is Adam Nagourney, who tells us in Monday’s paper that “[Huckabee] has distinguished himself… as a candidate of considerable humor who stands apart in this oh-so-serious field of presidential contenders.”
thanks for the tip, I posted again.
I think the real news is the losers- Rudy and McCain….creamed…and Mitt spent HOW much ????geez…and about Huckabee’s “finer points” …you forgot the Favorite- EVOLUTION….OOOPS…I meant Creationism…