In 2000, George W. Bush lost the popular vote and the Republicans lost two seats in the House of Representatives and four seats in the Senate. The Bush administration quickly alienated Sen. Jim Jeffords (R-VT) so thoroughly that he changed his party affiliation to ‘Independent’, started caucusing with the Democrats, and threw control of the upper chamber to the Dems for the remainder of the term. That was just the beginning for Karl Rove…alleged genius.
In the wake of 9/11, Rove make a decision to seek political advantage out of the tragedy. A country that had been briefly united in grief and resolve was reduced to acrimonious bickering and partisan sniping. Bush’s first term was such a failure that Rove was forced to resort to every type of chicanery to win re-election for his boss. It is this period, between 9/11 and the 2006 midterm elections, that define Rove’s success. But we should keep two things in mind. First, the success was fleeting. Second, the success was based on criminality. The triumphant Republicans of the 2002-2006 era lie in ruins.
Dennis Hastert is now a backbencher serving his last term in office. Tom DeLay is facing criminal charges. Bill Frist is retired. Rick Santorum was crushed in his re-election bid. Colin Powell is disgraced. George Tenet is disgraced. Scooter Libby was convicted to 30 months in prison. Jack Abramoff is behind bars, along with Reps. Duke Cunningham and Bob Ney. This only scratches the surface as officials from Rep. Mark Foley, to the Pentagon’s Larry Franklin, to campaign official James Tobin have all gone down in disgrace.
And what of the Crawford Mafia? Harriet Miers was rejected as a Supreme Court nominee and is now criminally defying congressional subpoenas. Alberto Gonzales is the most untrusted government official in political memory. And the architect of it all, Karl Rove, is resigning under so many clouds that it’s impossible to finger any particular cloud that forced him out.
Rove leaves with nothing to show but a shattered presidency, a totally discredited and exhausted political party, and a badly weakened country.
The media won’t tell you this story, but it is the true legacy of Karl Rove’s operation. A total, unmitigated disaster.
In his departing words, Karl Rove stated his friendship with George Bush for 34 years.
That would be from his first tricks & lies in 1972-73 with Georgie boy going AWOL from TANG in Texas/Arkansas. Karl is in it very deep with changing facts into fantasy, life into death and doomsday into everyday. Karl Rove was first hired by senior of course, to look after junior going to Harvard.
Rove went to work for the College Republicans National Committee and became involved in the Nixon campaign, which brought him to the attention of then-CIA director George H.W. Bush.
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — KARL ROVE TO QUIT! ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Cliff Schecter dug up this old CBS News clip from 1972 that features Rove (toward the end of the segment) at the RNC back when he had hair. It’s a really good piece…
Perhaps same person?
Bob Odell has garnered international recognition for his innovative and diverse fundraising, marketing, and economic development campaigns. Having served as Executive Director of the Republican National Finance Committee from 1969-74, he has provided senior finance consulting services to the campaigns of every Republican presidential nominee since 1970. In addition to overseeing and contributing to strategic marketing campaigns for OSA’s clients, Mr. Odell has served as a New Hampshire State Senator since 2002.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
We come not to praise Rove, but to bury him.
BooMan’s right, of course. In the end, Karl Rove’s wildest promise — a permanent GOP majority in the Federal government — is now a smoking electoral crater. If anything, he’s achieved the opposite.
Worst. Political. Mastermind. Ever.
And while the wingnuts keep saying “Well, you won’t have Karl Rove to kick around anymore, now what?” there are plenty of rotten apples that need to go, starting with Cheney, Gonzo, and of course Bush himself.
I think Rove left his buddy behind because Bush is fucked. Karl’s that much of a bastard. He’s walking out before the “September report” finishes the GOP for good, entirely out of bastardly self-interest.
Excellent post about a sociopath who was given WAY too much power….a disaster…..criminal mess..
Well said BooMan.
I might add that several days ago Poppy Bush said that he was disappointed with some of his son’s advisors.
Did Poppy Bush play the trump card and force Rove out to save the family name and try to salvage this unmitigated disaster. Only someone more powerful than Cheney/Bush could pull the plug on Rove.
Me thinks Rove’s dirty tricks are catching up and the Bush clan will not be stained with this BBQ sauce.