They Have Lied To You Your Entire Life

 There are all kinds of Lies. There are “white lies”, Sins of Omission, blatant lies, lies to protect the innocents. There are lies to protect Governments. There are lies to protect friends. There are lies to protect ourselves. There is even the Fifth Amendment to protect ourselves from ourselves, or others. There are lies to perpetuate Myths. There are lies to protect Children. There are lies for the sake of lying!

 It started with Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny. When You stopped believing that, they lied to You about the value of a High School Education. When that didn’t work, they lied to You about College. Then they lied to You about a Good Job. They lied to You about Marriage. They lied to You about Drugs. They lied to You about EVERYTHING!

 Your friends have lied to You about yours, and their relationships. Your Parents have lied to You about their Values. Your Bosses have lied to You about Your jobs. The News has lied to You about EVERYTHING!

 The Doctors have lied to You about their prescriptions. The Credit Card Companies, and the Banks have lied to You about their fees. The Mortgage Companies, and the Insurance Companies have lied to You about  their policies. The Churches have lied to You about Right and Wrong. Our Presidents have lied to You about War, and a million other things. Our Founding Fathers have lied to You about Human Rights; apparently only true for white people….

 Historians have lied to You. Politicians have lied to You. Your own wives, and husbands have lied to You. You have even lied to Yourself!

 The only ones that haven’t lied to You, are Your Pets.  

  Now You know the Truth.

  I don’t mean this in a “every once in awhile” kind of way. I mean they have lied to You about EVERYTHING! Every thought or perception every person on Earth has ever projected at You, is a Lie. It has only been, at best, Their perception of the Truth.  Your own perception filter has managed to allow You to live this long, and somehow given You a modicum, or belief of,  a modicum of comfort.

 As Human Beings, we can never know the Whole Truth. We are, however, allowed to know the Results of Lies. Some lies are less harmful than others. Your Parent’s lies, Your friend’s lies, in general, haven’t killed You, or others. Santa and the Bunny didn’t screw You up all that much…maybe, just a little.

 That being said, and attested to, We do know the results of evil lies. We know the results of Cheney’s Lies. We know the results of Rove’s lies.  We know the results of Bush’s Lies. We know the results of the NeoCon’s Lies. We know the results of ALL the Republican Lies; Death, Destruction, and  Misery to Everyone except the Rich. All these people are living a lie, and enjoying it.

 Calling out the lies, is the only way humanity may have a chance. Impeach and Convict, NOW.  Win, lose, or just live the Lie. It’s Your Choice.