Apparently the Department of Homeland Security is breaking in a new program in Florida airports where trained observers are watching for facial expressions and body language on passengers showing signs of disgust and aggravation. This is a new method for identifying potential terrorists on flights and it goes up there with larger than 3 oz shampoo bottles and removal of shoes.

What I’d like to know is, given our current practices in airport security, who doesn’t look aggravated or disgusted after waiting in hours of lines, being searched and re-searched, semi-stripping and shoe removal, etc.? I know I do… and now, if I fly out of Florida, I’m just as likely to be picked as a potential terrorist.

I probably look thirsty because I can’t carry a decent=sized water bottle while I’m waiting in a hot line. That’s aggravating enough. Couple that with the decline in service (which the new Virgin USA has spotted as a competitive weak point in our air carriers) at the airport and we’re going to be discovering terrorists everywhere.

Under The LobsterScope