Via Brilliant a Breakfast, please watch this video about American soldiers describing the real facts on the ground in Iraq:
“Total disregard for human life.” Sad, tragic, outrageous. Beyond words.
Via Brilliant a Breakfast, please watch this video about American soldiers describing the real facts on the ground in Iraq:
“Total disregard for human life.” Sad, tragic, outrageous. Beyond words.
Following orders of the White House to send trained soldiers into war instead of a mission to secure peace always leads to atrocities. In Vietnam the troops fought a guerilla in the jungle and rural areas, in Iraq the military leaders knew they would fight a guerilla in Baghdad and large civilian areas. Yet Bush and Cheney with no military service themselves, have no empathy or regard for human live of the US men and woman called to arms, nor the innocent Iraqi civilians caught in OUR PROCLAIMED WAR.
With the number of innocent deaths in Iraq due to the allied occupation, Abu Ghraib et al., not many if any of our soldiers should be called a hero. The German leaders responsible for atrocities during WWII were held to account at the Nuremberg trials. Bush and Cheney set aside the rules and Geneva conventions in order to have torture and these atrocities performed on a large scale IN OUR NAME, the American people, who democratically elected Congress and the President. Yet impeachment is off the table because Congress by and large bears the same responsibility. The Iraq war is a dead end street and in historical terms will be the end of America: the Land of the Free as many of our fellow citizens of the world see it.
Iraq is an act Congress is incapable to clean up, unless there is a revolt by the American voter.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Also the NY Times prefers to play dumb:
In disingeniously dismissing criticism of Michael Gordon’s article, Clark Hoyt, the NY Times Public Editor claims that Gordon’s previous article had already provided “strong evidence” of the Iranian origin of the EFPs… but the New York Times itself reported the discovery of EFP factories in Iraq back in April 7…