Scanning the titles of blog posts over the past few weeks, I’ve seen a number of people touting Hillary Clinton for one reason or another. It always seems to boil down to “strategery”–some sort of calculus that states, no matter what we think of her personally, HRC is the Dem who can win. For the most part, I stay out of those discussion. Once you’ve said “No way, no how am I ever going to support her!”, and ticked off the reasons, what is there to say?
But the bottom line is this–no matter how well Hillary does in debates, or how “electable” she is deemed to be, I can’t overlook this unsightly growth she has attached to her candidacy. Not even if she does a complete turnaround and actually apologizes for her Iraq vote. That would be nice, but if she doesn’t have that thing removed, it would be for naught.
“That thing” is James Carville. A trip via the wayback machine to November 2006 reminds us…
Carville Says Dems Should Dump Dean over “Rumsfeldian” Incompetence
What James Carville refuses to “get”, no matter how hard we might try to (proverbially) shake him, is that this isn’t about Howard Dean, no matter what he might think of Howard as a person. Attack Howard, and you attack all of those who supported him for DNC Chair. Whether or not they liked Howard personally, a lot of Democrats agreed with the 50-state strategy he promised. And they agree with him when he said things like this about the effect the internet has had on politics
It is an extraordinary evolution. An extraordinary evolution. Essentially it means that politicians have to acknowledge something that’s been true for a long time. Which is, power is loaned to us–we don’t own the power, and we need to earn the power every two years.
Does James Carville believe that? I doubt it. I imagine he must live in fear of the day that the majority of Americans actually start to think that way.
I think you just insulted “ignorant sluts”.
I was going for a Point/Counterpoint reference.
I know. I loved Saturday Night Live.
To be fair, I don’t think James is a slut, just “dumber than a bag o’ hammers.”
I’ve known ignorant sluts. Ignorant sluts have been good friends of mine. James Carville is no ignorant slut.
Is Carville dumber than a bag of hammers? Well, he did marry Mary Matalin. That certainly makes a bag of hammers look like Rhodes scholars in comparison.
Just saw the youtube on Zelikow’s parallel universe.
It strikes me that mainstream politicians like Hillary have “ideas” as outdated and outmoded as the Lawrence Welk Show and that buzzwords such as Rovian and Rumsfeldian truely come out of think tanks specifically designed to create an industry of punditry. As American “consumers” exposed to advertizing of all sorts for over three generations we should evolve a new organ, the bullshitometer.
The bullshitometer is a section of the brain which sheilds, in some people, the effects of propaganda applied by the cattle prod of mainstream media.
Unfortunately few have evolved and produced this organ and politicians are left playing up to the mediocrity of mainstream.
When I say mainstream I think of it in terms of something profane,evil, Satanic and destructive of all that is good for humanity.
Rene, I cold nto agree with you more! I detest the man and always have. I am saying the same thing about begala as well.
There are plenty of democratic strategists that are far better than Carville and Begala. Why the media keep trotting them out as representatives is beyond me….laziness, I suppose. And they love the way Carville acts all Cajun folksy and turns 9 shades of red when he gets going. Good theater.
Carville and Begala had one success. Clinton in ’92. After that, they consulted the Democrats into the oblivion we are now just returning from. Carville’s lunacy can be explained in just two words, Mary Howeverthehellyouspellherlastname.
There was also that moment when Carville pissed Novak off so much that Novak walked off the CNN set with the show live. But those moments have been the exception with Carville.
Novak and Carville….now there’s a really large bag of hammers.