I cross-posted this at Diatribune. I also originally wrote this at my blog, ScaryShit. So, here goes:
I don’t know if anyone read Digby’s post from early this week, but for right now, would anyone be interested in helping me with some Hatch Act stuff?
This government explanation of the Hatch Act?
This video and the Drug Czar last year?
This video and the Clark County Commission?
This lawsuit being dismissed and it’s implications?
Digby, if you happen to see this post, might you be able to tie together a few threads, better than this guy’s marijuana-addled mind? It seems to me that the links that I posted here, and this post is kinda important as well. Anyone willing to take a crack at this?
Well, I have to take most of this stuff as more of the symptoms of a dying empire rather than concrete actionable items which one can prepare for. The sum total Satanic evilness of all of these items combined pales in comparison to being a heartbeat away from martial law, the nuking of Iran or another false flag operation scheduled for Oregon or the great global warming swindle.
Oh, gee, I left out depleted uranium.