the coming Iraqi Coup?

a scenario is unfolding in Iraq…amidst rumors of a coup brewing ‘somewhere’…

  1. Bush says he supports the Maliki government, BUT says it must change or the Iraqi people will force change. Maliki and Assembly oppose the oil bill Bush wants, which would take oil profits out of Iraq and give majority of profits to US companies.
  2. the Bush administration quietly supports and encourages a military coup (impossible without US support, since we say they are incapable of fighting now – that’s why they need us….umm, who will actually lead the coup, then?)
  3. coup happens, Maliki killed and Assembly replaced by a military council. Bush says that the coup was the will of the people.
  4. Bush says that with a military government in place, and elections delayed, this is one more reason we need to “stay the course” and remain in Iraq.
  5. Bush accuses Iran of supporting those who resist the coup.
  6. Bush welcomes the new military strongman to Washington and hails progress in Iraq. the New Saddam

remember President Diem in Vietnam and Prince Sihinouk in Cambodia?