Kos points something out as he lays out the case for/against Bob Kerrey as a U.S. Senate candidate from Nebraska. Votes are not everything. Bob Kerrey is more liberal than Ben Nelson. He’s way more liberal than Chuck Hagel. But that doesn’t mean that Bob Kerrey won’t be an enormous thorn in the side of liberals if he goes back to the Senate.
Chuck Hagel is valuable to the liberals because he is willing to listen to reasonable arguments…at least on matters of national security…and he is willing to go on teevee and say the emperor has no clothes. He’ll even go the whole hog every once and a while and give us his vote as well as his rhetoric.
Ben Nelson has a crappy voting record. But Ben Nelson does not go on teevee very often to criticize liberals. He’s even less inclined to criticize or undermine the Democratic leadership.
But Bob Kerrey can’t help himself. He trashes liberals every chance he gets. He’s not loyal…he’s said he would endorse Hagel if he runs again.
Kerrey is a toxic candidate for two reasons. First, the aforementioned tendency towards disloyalty and trash-talking. Second, he has been disastrously, catastrophically wrong on the Iraq War and the War on Terrorism. There’s a reason he was selected to serve on the 9/11 commission. There’s a reason that Max Cleland resigned from the commission and that Bob Kerrey did not.
We simply do not need another disloyal Democrat that wants to privatize Social Security, fight a permawar in the Middle East, who hates liberals, and can’t keep away from a microphone.
There’s no doubt that Bob Kerrey can win the Nebraska seat. And, on most votes, he’ll be a big improvement over what we have now. It doesn’t matter. We have been in this fight for 7 years and Kerrey has been fighting against us…giving cover to the other side…on all the most important issues, he has been wrong.
Only in the Bush administration does that kind of record get rewarded.
There needs to be a concerted effort to tear down that lying shibboleth of beltway punditry, bipartisanship. I don’t know about you, but I have never in my life voted for a Democrat in hopes that he or she would be bipartisan. I vote for them in hopes that they will be a Democrat.
I’m not looking for the kind of authoritarian message discipline that the right has. I don’t object to one Democrat tearing into another when there’s cause for it. I certainly wish more Democrats had ripped into Lieberman. But if you are going to run as a Democrat while undermining the party and its ideals, don’t think it makes you a maverick, unless by “maverick” you really mean “traitor” or just plain “lying asshole”. Run as an independent instead, or better yet, run as what you really are: a Republican.
I’m all for having a Democratic Party that is a big tent, but as far as I’m concerned, that big tent doesn’t include conservatives. There’s already a party for that, and if you are a conservative, you will find much more amenable company among your fellow intolerant, militaristic, authoritarian white male greedbags in the GOP. Go on, git.
The problem we have right now is that Democratic politicians think of themselves as the Democratic Party. They are not. They are the elected representatives of the party. We are the Democratic Party, and it’s about time we hammer these self-absorbed sons of bitches in the primaries until they figure out who’s boss.
kerry is just one more phony piece of shit that cares more about kerry that about the needs of the party or the nation.
But- wait a minute– isn’t that the role of the current members of the democratic party? This current congressional membership falls into that category. How many times in the past 8 years have this membership voted against their constituents wishes. Wait- how may times since the 06 takeover have the dems caved?
Ya know what? I take back what I said in the beginning= I think Kerry can’t hurt the party. The Party is Dead and the dead can’t be hurt any more!
Kerr-e-y. Not Kerry. Different dude.
Throat slitter Kerrey should be banned from public office
you got something against self-professed war criminals or something?
Not relly. I dislike them all equally :o)