The revelation that the Administration continues to make foreign policy based on misrepresentations and outright lies, with consultants who are actually paid by biased agencies with fixed goals outside the will of the people, has done two things. First, it has given us another reason to praise Glenn Greenwald for keeping us informed as to the corrupt nature of Bush’s minions. Second, it affords information which the democratic candidates may be able to use when discussing their own proposed foreign policies.

The problem I see is that very few of them are coming forward to make their understanding of the current situation clear. I don’t for the life of me know what Hillary Clinton is trying to do: she has, in the past week, affirmed progress in The Surge, justified the extreme participation of lobbyists in creating government policy by insisting that they represent “the people”, and shown support for a very long withdrawal, if any, from Iraq. Since she has done all of this with the usual political language which never touches directly on anything, and has relied on what seems to be a sewn up amount of inside-the-beltway supporters and money is frightening to me.

We have learned in the past six years that if we are not told the truth we are left to bear the consequences. Will the Democrats realize this and give us a forthright statement on Bush’s corrupt Iraq policies… or will we suffer the consequences of their hiding the truth?

Under the LobsterScope