The headline in the NY Times this morning produced mixed feelings: I’m happy that Gonzales is actually resigning, but I’m concerned that he gets away scot free from all the potential crimes he has committed while in office. It is not clear at this point whether the House or Senate committees will go after him for the lies he apparently told them in any number of hearings.

My guess is that nothing will happen to him. This is unfortunate.

If Gonzales is not made to admit his mistakes publicly, he will join Rove and others who leave the administration which has made a mess of America without taking any responsibility for his actions.

And then there is the concern over who Bush will appoint in his place. The rumor around Washington is that it will be Chertoff, who will be pulled off the department of Homeland Security. It is doubtful that Bush will go outside his current team for a replacement… it is too late in his declining term and Chertoff is a former judge and has the legal background that AG requires.

And the Bush administration goes on….

Under the LobsterScope