Longshot presidential contender Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) has an interesting way of pandering to Gulf Coast voters.
GOP presidential hopeful Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.) said Friday it is “time the taxpayer gravy train left the New Orleans station” and urged an end to the federal aid to the region that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina two years ago.
“The amount of money that has been wasted on these so-called ‘recovery’ efforts has been mind-boggling,” said Tancredo, who is running a long-shot presidential campaign. “Enough is enough.”
I don’t disagree that the level of waste has been disgraceful, but where’s the love?
“At some point, state and local officials and individuals have got to step up to the plate and take some initiative,” said Tancredo. “The mentality that people can wait around indefinitely for the federal taxpayer to solve all their worldly problems has got to come to an end.”
I can only imagine how well FEMA would perform in a President Tancredo administration.
Howie Klein has a disturbing potential scoop about a potential murder-suicide, gay prostitution, Ralph Reed, and Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC). Don’t know if there is any there there, but it could make Larry Craig look like an asterisk on the ass of the GOP elephant.
Sen. John Warner has announced his retirement. He won’t be seeking reelection in 2008. You can watch his announcement here. This sets up a grueling Republican primary, or possibly a caucus (more on that later), between Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA-11) and Fmr. Gov. Jim Gilmore.
Warner’s retirement would radically alter the 2008 political landscape nationally and in Northern Virginia. An open Senate seat would establish Virginia as a battleground in the GOP’s fight for the Senate. Democratic Party leaders are promoting former governor Mark R. Warner as a likely candidate. Warner (not related to the senator) lost a 1996 challenge to the incumbent by five percentage points.
On the Republican side, Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (Va.) has long coveted Warner’s seat and has worked assiduously to position himself for a run. A moderate, Davis would probably have serious competition from conservatives, possibly from former governor James S. Gilmore III.
A Davis candidacy would have a domino effect in Fairfax County. Board of Supervisors Chairman Gerald E. Connolly (D), who has refused to commit to finishing his term if reelected in November, has made no secret of his interest in succeeding Davis in the 11th District, where Democrats are gaining strength. Former representative Leslie Byrne has been mentioned as another possible contender.
Connolly’s departure would set off a rush at the local level for the chairman’s job, with a number of possible aspirants, including supervisor and Metro board member T. Dana Kauffman (D-Lee), who is not seeking reelection, and Board of Supervisors Vice Chairman Sharon S. Bulova (D-Braddock).
Today is Karl Rove’s last day at the White House. This made him cry.
Meanwhile, as rumored, Tony Snow called it quits today.
And Sen. Larry Craig is probably headed out the door.
Is that enough Republican decimation for one day? No?
Here’s a good retrospective on one of the lesser known of the purged prosecutors.
Kiss of LA and win the rest of the country.
Sounds like a winna. Of what, I dunno.
I truly believe Tancredo’s only the first shot across the bow. We’re gonna see a whole hell of a lot more of this from the right, the meme that those who are still suffering in New Orleans are really all just a bunch of lazy welfare queens.
After two years, the argument will go, it’s time to fish or cut bait for people “in that part of the world.” Surely after all this time “those people” can go out and just get jobs and houses and shit, right? Look at the French Quarter, it’s fine.
That’s going to set up one hell of a paradigm for the GOP, where we can’t abandon the Iraqis because of fears of “genocide” and that they will continue to require hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, but the people Bushco has fucked over in Nawlins — Americans — are just “too lazy to help themselves” so screw em.
Expect the rest of the wingers to grab that low hanging poop and start flinging it with gusto.
Ugh, and speaking of “GOP responses to disasters” what’s Bush’s big plan to settle the subprime market disaster?
Go on. Guess.
If you said “tax cuts for the rich” then you win.
Yeah, cause the problem is tax liability, and people are immediately calling bullshit.
Nice, George. Nice.
Tancredo is fabulous. stop the bucks. let them pull themselves up by there own bootstraps. Did anyone asked that piece of shit what would happen if the guy he contracted with for rebuilding his failing foundation on his house said to him- ” WELL, I DI WHAT I DID AND THATS IT. FROM HERE ON YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT EVER YOU FEEL IS NEEDED.”
The tragedy that is taking place in this country is monstrous and the world shakes as they witness this countrys’ descent into oblivion.
I cry for thye children. I really do.
Sure now that the taxpayer gravy train has supplied the usual loads of graft, corruption, waste, fraud and mismanagement, the good citizens of NOLA and the region should just get on with the rest of their pathetic lives…
Of course, if those people are in Iraq, the taxpayer ‘gravy train’ just keeps giving and giving. (What its giving is another debate entirely.)
Why doesn’t he give that speech in Iraq?