I wonder what the hell this is all about?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Holy Hell.
I used to live in McHenry’s district before I moved up to Cincy. My parents still live there, I grew up there. Went to Hickory High School, played the tuba. And let me tell you about NC-10 and Hickory (and stormbear can back me up on this).
“Nuclear explosion made out of smaller baby nuclear explosions” would not begin to describe what Hickory would go through if this one is true. “Reactionary knee-jerk bigotry” would only scratch the surface. Barely.
Any media outlet would be able to produce terabytes of good ol’ Southern Bigotry n’ Hate(tm) by doing person-on-the-street interviews in the town should this one blow up. Hickory would go into Defcon 1.
That reminds me, I gotta email Pop. He’ll get a real kick out of this one, he despises McHenry and has been a card-carrying, election monitoring member of the Democratic Party machine in Catawba County (such as that apparatus is) since Jim Hunt’s first term as Governor.
Could be true…it could pick up some credence if blogActive confirmed it.
He is a fine and robust 32 year old chickenshit who loves to talk about war, but is a physical coward.
He is the most repulsive of all repukeliscum, exempting only 20-30 of the most repulsive.
Oh, I just LOVE the idea of this little toad getting outed!!!! It would be TOOOOOO choice.
when my mom (may she rest in peace)would want to exhort in favor of something extremely important to her, she would clapse her hands together, look upwards and say– “If Only!”
Well, mom- if you happen to be listening– put in a good word – will ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The list just keeps growing and growing and growing and …………….!
Then you oughta spend more time on the blog Rigorous Intuition, Booman.
Go there, podna.
Scroll down until you get to the link list on the right hand side labeled “The Military-Occult Complex, ritual abuse/mind control, and “High Weirdness”, gird your reflux action and start reading at random. here’s a good starter, just in case you are link-lazy.
Stirring the White House honey pot.
Just the tip of the niceberg, baby.
Just the tip.
You can’t HANDLE more than the tip.
None of us can.
Or…here’s another one.
Interview With Kathleen Sullivan, Part I.
There are four parts to this interview, I believe. They are all available on that right hand scroll.
Along with much, much more.
Read ’em and weep.
Read ’em and scoff, if you must.
But you WILL read them and …wonder. Especially in light of the recent almost weekly cracks in the SecrecyGate that covers the real horror of these creatures’ lives.
NOT mistakes.
NOT incompetence.
But that rarest of all things…consciously evil acts in the service of…of what?
Let us call it power, for want of a better word.
In the service of the accumulation of…power.
William Burroughs, Ah Pook is here.
Who really gave that order?
Control. The ugly American. The instrument of Control.
If Control’s control is absolute, why does Control need to control?
Control needs time.
Is Control controlled by its need to control?
Why does Control need humans, as you call them?
Wait, wait. Time, a landing field.
Death needs time like a junkie needs junk.
And what does Death need time for?
The answer is so simple. Death needs time for what it kills to grow in for Ah Pook’s sake.
Death needs time for what it kills to grow in for Ah Pook’s sweet sake,
you stupid, vulgar, greedy, ugly American death sucker.
Death needs time for what it kills to grow in for Ah Pook’s sweet sake,
you stupid, vulgar, greedy, ugly American death sucker.
Simple enough.
SO simple that almost no one believes it.
the Devil’s greatest trick?
Convincing mankind that he does not exist.
Dick Cheney’s Other Big Secret
HAMLET: And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Shakespeare-Hamlet, Act I, scene V
Bet on it.
I think was a highly appropriate name don’t you think?
Since I seldom/never put stock in anything MSM says other than analysis of propaganda value I have to put the current Craig affair into the distraction category.
Surfing though I found these.
Note the full line of machines including dual turret state of the art 7 axis machining centers. So much for American industry. See, ya later, bye, bye.
Laser ablation, a nifty work search opens the doors to a new technique which might lead to superconducting wire at room temperature. Ultimately for those un-scientific types, free energy or close to it.
Now wasn’t that much more fun than watching the “what you should think” TV news?