“It’s always darkest right before you get clobbered over the head with a pipe wrench. But then it actually does get darker,” said a GOP pollster who insisted on anonymity in order to speak candidly.
That ‘pipe wrench’ would be the combination of Larry Craig’s resignation and John Warner’s announcement that he is retiring. This following is only a slight exaggeration.
“About the only safe Republican Senate seats in ’08 are the ones that aren’t on the ballot,” a GOP operative with extensive experience in Senate races said. “I don’t see even the rosiest scenario where we don’t end up losing more seats.”
I think Thad Cochran and Mike Enzi are safe. I also think whomever wins the GOP nomination in South Carolina is safe (but Lindsey Graham is not safe).
A more interesting thing I’m ruminating about this fine afternoon is our fearless leader George W. Bush, now bereft of his Texas mafia. It must be pretty lonely without McClellan and Miers and Rove and Gonzales. I wonder if he has started talking to that portrait of Abraham Lincoln yet. CQ Politics has a very good run down on the landscape for the debate over Iraq this September.
The synopsis is that the Dems are going to offer the Republicans a deal. If the Republicans agree to pass something that starts a withdrawal of troops by the end of this year, the Dems will drop any deadline for the withdrawal to be complete.
I guess that is a reasonable approach, under the circumstances.
Alas, Bush has been, still is, and is going to be talking to Cheney, which is why everybody else has left or is leaving. God help us all.
solitary confinement at the Hague would be just about the right level of loneliness for the chimperor.
till then, l’ll go with professor plum, with the lead, pipe in the ballroom…double entendre intentional…maybe the d‘s could buy a clue and stop rolling over.
Let’s see what we have here. A measly 300 million armed with a culture which told them they are “free” and that any individual can rise to any status of fame and fortune. In the world scheme of things though this is not profitable, exploitable and especially not controllable, hence it must end.
The saga of wide stance Larry, already coupled with another Alaska senator serves the Illuminati purpose of loss of credibility of the established US government and this is why it is soo extensively touted by our very own MSM.
The selling of America via the North American Union certainly trumps a gay senator in my book.
Who is this illuminati dude?
Damn you should ask. In the widest allegorical of interpretations Illuminati here refers to globalization in all of it’s most Machiavellian terms. Even the term globalization in fact does not cover it fully. Pure unadulterated,unregulated capitalism in it’s most Satanic form might come close but then again most people tell me I’m either reactionary of just downright an incoherent babbling idiot. Anyway I’m quite sure those fine days we have all enjoyed are very soon going to be just memories.
Yes, my discontent would occupy several books but you know that already and have created this wonderful website to spread the news.
if your synopsis is correct (or whoever its owner is) then the dems as I see it have a simple choice. Reject it Or accept it. Acceptance means complete loss at the polls in 08!
Not even worth discussing. TOTAL LOSS!
Deal, did someone say deal. We don`t deal/negotiate with terrorists, is how I`ve always heard it. There is no deal on the lives of soldiers & civilians. There is no deal. Period.
Dealing is off the table.
There is no deal, especially under the circumstances.
No $200,000,000.00.
Until someone brings the country up to date on where the last 400 billion went, & put those who stole any of it in jail for treason, then there is no deal. Until the bill is signed to withdraw, & the soldiers start coming home, there is no deal.
Until a bill is signed forbidding any unprovoked attack without congressional approval, there is no deal.
Until hell freezes over, there is no deal.
All deals are off.
Cut the credit cards up, hide the keys to the unarmoured car, lock the doors & let the miserable little shit wail out in the yard all night long, but there is no deal. And take away his guns too, for god`s sake, he lost 190,000 of them.
Mommy, they`re taking my stuff away from me, mommy.
Enablers make deals.
No deals, No way,
Stand up
& walk away. Now