I wasn’t going to write today.  I’ve got to get to work. But the New York Times Editorial Board changed my mind.
Their poetic reverie about the end of summer and their claim that “if you get choked up on Labor Day, you’ve probably just been eating too fast” made my blood boil. WTF? A labor day editorial about little birdies and wildflowers, not to mention a breeziness that “that keeps you from trying to make the day carry too much weight.”

I guess they haven’t noticed that 6 more miners are buried by the greed of corporate America. Or that our trade agreements are destroying the middle class. Or that a leading Democratic contender for president has a union buster as a trusted advisor.  Or that the producers of Kid Nation took such advantage of children that they may have to film next season’s show in a foreign country because no state will allow them to treat child workers the way they did in New Mexico.

My advice to the Times Board is that they stop between sips of Cabernet and mouthfuls of freshly grilled and slowly-chewed filet mignon, and think about the real meaning of Labor Day.