It’s rare for the blogosphere to get clear cut victories. But, as Chris Bowers notes, we now have one. Rodney Tom has dropped out of the WA-08 primary against Darcy Burner, and he cited Burner’s 3,200 contributors as the reason. Burner got the bulk of those contributions through the Burn Bush campaign that the blogosphere ran late last month. The fundraising push was aimed at countering the money raised by Bush for incumbent Dave Weichert.

Rodney Tom is known as Turncoat Tom in local Republicans circles, because he switched parties in 2006. Nonetheless, he would have been another privatizing Social Security Democrat, like Blue Dog Allen Boyd. He also would have forced Burner to spend money in the primary that she needs for the general.

This is a big notch on the belt for the Netroots. And, for the record, Tom was gracious and endorsed Burner.