With news that Sen. Chuck Hagel is calling it quits, I’m reminded of just how far the Republicans have traveled down the road of perfidy. Without Hagel, do you know who the second ranking member of the Foreign Relations committee is? It’s former Chattanooga mayor, Bob Corker. That’s right…if Lugar gets sick or retires, a freshman know-nothing senator from Tennessee will be in charge of overseeing the State Department and foreign relations for the GOP. It’s hard to drop further in stature and experience than Lugar-to-Corker. But that’s the way it goes these days. John Warner is retiring, Chuck Hagel is retiring. You know who’ll be ranking member of Armed Services now, if McCain retires? Jim Inhofe (if he’s reelected) or Jeff Sessions, that’s who.
I’m not a Republican, so I tend to dislike what Republicans do. Even Republicans that I used to respect, like Lugar, Warner, and Hagel have disappointed me during the Bush years. But we are going to miss those senators when they’re gone, because their replacements are much worse.
the worse they get Maybe, just maybe the dems will wake up!
Oh and what the hell are you talking about- how much worse can it get than what we’ve got now!!!!!!
Lets not worry about corker, shmorker or dorker. Lets worry about reid, pelosi and hoyer! they are bad enough for me!!!!!!
well, one side-effect of the Republican implosion is that we’re going to lose the few moderate Republicans we have. That’s all good, since they’ve proven themselves to be doormats. But it will have consequences.
sorry- meant to ask earlier. does this put his seat in play or is Neb sooooo goooper that there is no one that the dems can get to run?
it’s in play.
It is not clear to me why Corker or Inhofe would be any worse than Warner,Lugar or Hagel.all of them subscribe to the notion that the US must win against the Muslim infidels at all costs.Warner,Hagel and Lugar put on a more palatble face on the same thing than the rabid attack dogs like Corker or Inhofe.
Taht we are reduced to seeing nuanced differences between the Empire’s servants tells me that nothing will ever change in our political system.The Democrats, for their part, will be one rung below these Neanderthals, but they will also be Neanderthals.As an example, look at the statements from hillary Clinton about keeping all options on the table and confronting Iran.Tell me why that is any different from Bush.
miss those senators when their gone
that would be “when they’re (they are) gone,” booman.
sorry. just a bugaboo of mine.