Well, the only bill that could guarantee at least an audit (a handcount of paper ballots used or produced in the election), HR 811, the Holt bill, has been stymied in the Rules Committee yet again. It has to make it out of committee to get to a floor for a vote.

Two groups oppose the bill, and for very different reasons. Activists think the bill doesn’t go far enough. Election officials think the bill goes way too far. Generally, when you have something that offends both ends of the spectrum, it’s not all that bad. 😉

Ther’e no room on the schedule for the bill to come up for a vote next week. It will likely be scheduled for a vote the following week.

I’ll post a reminder when the date is nearer.

WE GET THE VOTE WE DESERVE. If you don’t raise a finger to help, your vote may literally disappear into that black box. But if you are very active now, we may yet get our vote back.

It’s critical we pass THIS legislation now to prove we have clout. That way, we can pass more legislation later, including, eventually, a DRE ban. But if we sink this bill, all we show our Congresspeople is that we don’t have their back, and that we’ll ‘never’ be satisfied. That’s exactly the wrong message at this critical juncture.