This week in an alternate reality:
I must say that I sympathize with the bind that Democratic leaders are in somewhat. Defeatism is forced upon them by their base. That’s why they have no choice but but to insist that Iraq is going disastrously badly, that it was all a mistake, and that we should get out now. Where they have no choice but to acknowledge that progress has been made, they must insist at all costs that President Bush’s policies have had nothing to do with it. It is a matter of political reality. Their base will throw them back into the minority if they say anything else. Chuck Schumer’s recent talking point — that progress has come in spite of the surge, not because of it — is something he has little choice but to say, no matter how little he believes it.
You can’t acknowledge that things are going better in Iraq without implicitly acknowledging that the president was right after all.
I’d have to find any evidence of progress to be able to have an opinion about what it means. As Mike Gravel said, “These people frighten me.”
The worse the war gets, the more the American people will be demonized. We’ve gone from “this country was founded upon healthy dissent” to “the timing of these concerns looks bad” to “these comments embolden the enemy” to “I don’t mean to call your patriotism into question, but” to “defeatism has been forced upon them by their base.”
We’re to the point where the wingers are openly accusing millions of Americans of treason on a daily basis. And these accusations are going practically unchallenged in the media, where the few public and vocal rebuttals to these accusations are being attacked by “both sides”.
I think we’re on the edge of a very deep chasm here, and it won’t take much to push this country over the edge from “soft fascism” into the real deal.
Mario Loyola is just cuckoo bananas. there’s really nothing else to say about this. He is so totally freakin’ cuckoo bananas, it’s incredible.
Even cuckoo bananas people point and laugh and say, “Hey, I may think I’m Jesus and Napoleon rolled into one, but that guy there? he’s got no concept of reality at all.”