General Petraeus is a liar when he says the surge troop escalation in Iraq is working, that we are mainly fighting Al Qaeda and when he blames Iran for all the instability there. So says Newsweek (without coming out and directly saying so because that would be oh so impolite) in a report entitled “The General as Salesman.”
Not surprisingly, Petraeus performed smoothly on the political front on Monday. In testimony he insisted was his own frank assessment and not cleared beforehand with the White House (however, it was briefed “up the chain of command,” National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe told NEWSWEEK), Petraeus delivered an early Christmas present to legislators who are desperate to show their constituents that they are working toward withdrawal. […]
NEWSWEEK has learned that a separate internal report being prepared by a Pentagon working group will “differ substantially” from Petraeus’s recommendations, according to an official who is privy to the ongoing discussions but would speak about them only on condition of anonymity. An early version of the report, which is currently being drafted and is expected to be completed by the beginning of next year, will “recommend a very rapid reduction in American forces: as much as two-thirds of the existing force very quickly, while keeping the remainder there.” The strategy will involve unwinding the still large U.S. presence in big forward operation bases and putting smaller teams in outposts. “There is interest at senior levels [of the Pentagon] in getting alternative views” to Petraeus, the official said. Among others, Centcom commander Admiral William Fallon is known to want to draw down faster than Petraeus.
John Arquilla, an intelligence and counterinsurgency expert at the Naval Postgraduate School, is even harsher in his assessment of Petraeus. “I think Colin Powell used dodgy information to get us into the war, and Petraeus is using dodgy information to keep us there,” he said. “His political talking points are all very clear: the continued references he made to the danger of Al Qaeda in Iraq, for example, even though it represents only somewhere between 2 and 5 percent of the total insurgency. The continued references to Iran, when in fact the Iranians have had a lot to do with stability in the Shiite portion of the country. And it’s not at all clear why things are a little better now. Is it because there are more troops, or is it because we’re negotiating with the insurgents and have moved to small operating outposts? On any given day we don’t have more than 20,000 troops operating. The glacial pace of reductions beggars the imagination.” […]
According to a former senior civilian official in the Coalition Provisional Authority, Petraeus is a “total performer.” This reporter observed Petraeus’s political skills up close while flying with him above the Iraqi city of Mosul in a Blackhawk helicopter in early 2004. Speaking through headphones over the loud whirring of the chopper engines, Petraeus pointed out to then-Iraq administrator L. Paul Bremer III how many satellite dishes had popped up on Iraqi homes during the general’s tenure as commander of the 101st Airborne Division. Citing the dishes as a sign of progress, he proposed that Bremer go national with Petraeus’s “Mosul’s most wanted” TV show, launched to get locals to call in with insurgent tips. And Petraeus called in a large press gaggle to observe training exercises at his local Iraqi military training academy. Later, back in Baghdad, Bremer shook his head and laughed indulgently. “He loves headlines,” Bremer said.
A total performer? Loves headlines? I guess it’s no surprise that Bush hired a slick talking political con man as his commander in Iraq for the surge trrop escalation. After all, this has always been about the perception of success, not the reality of success for Bush’s Iraq strategery.
And its no surprise that many in the Pentagon are fighting back against the Bush propaganda. Just like many in the CIA finally revolted against the perversion of their intelligence assessments by the Bushies, many of the Generals and others in the officer corps, fed up with the lies and the literal destruction of the Army, Marines and Reserve forces, are no longer willing to play ball with this insane cast of Imagineers in the White House. You can create your own reality in the movies, but when politicians do it in real life other people suffer real consequences as a result of their wet dreams of “kicking ass” in the Middle East.
Thank you, anonymous sources in the Pentagon for leaking the truth to Newsweek. That was an act of true patriotism in a government where the “truth” is merely whatever spin the Bush administration is pushing today.
a house built on lies so don’t look for a surge in truth….too latw for that.
The Warning was “Orange”
It was not safe to play
So I sat and watched C-Span
That dangerous day
I sat there with with wonder
I sat there with awe
And watched all the flow charts
Petraeus could draw…
I listened to Levin,
As he spoke with disdain…
Like the rest of the Congress…
(uh, except John McCain)…
I listened to Warner
And Kennedy, too,
But Petraeus just did what
George Bush said to do
And he threw out statistics
And said things are great…
And Iraq’s getting better..
Why its almost a state…
And all we must do
Is just add to our stay…
Some years, maybe ten,
And two months and a day.
That’s all we must do…
That’s all that we need…
Just some more occupation
And some boys who can bleed…
And what will we get
For our effort and toil?
A voice in the mid-east
(And, of course, all that oil).
So, even when benchmarks
Don’t seem to be met,
We’ve got to keep going…
We have to. You bet.
Cause Iraq is complex,
Says George W. Bush…
And he keeps us involved
Like a stick up the tush…
It isn’t improving…
It’s not going to change…
It’s not getting better…
The end’s not in range…
So when you can vote…
And get rid of these poops…
Let’s get out of Iraq
And bring back the troops.
Under The LobsterScope
brilliant…love it.
But he’s only lying when his mouth is moving.
the betrayus affair shifts the minds of millions from the far larger elephant in the room, the massive worse than 1929 depression.
Oh indeed.
Oil Hits Record Highs
Dollar Nears Record Low
Honestly, what did you think he was going to say – Generals, in this country, are supposed to be sub-ordinate to their Commander-in-Chief. This CinC is, I am sure, much more demanding of sub-ordination than many previous. Therefore, he will shitcan the Shinsekis & Tagubas and promote the Paces & Petrauses (& then shitcan them as it becomes expedient).
I guess this is as good a place as any to post this call for action:
Stop the D.C. Establishment