I guess the recent Bin Laden Video forgery post on BooTrib hit some hot buttons over at Spook Central.
Latest Bin Laden Video Is a Forgery: All References to Current Events Are Made During Video Freeze.
Why do I think that this is so?
Because several subscribers with apparently only one topic on what they laughingly refer to as their minds suddenly chimed in with anti-tinfoil hat posts.
Their ONLY posts.
Read on for my response to one such poster.
(Please read the original post linked above and at least scan the responses for a little insight into the rest of this post.)
So Inkan1969 (Who has posted ONLY on this topic. One post, several ratings. All on this day. 9/11. Hmmmm…) had this to say to me regarding a comment I made about the sudden suspicious appearance of several OTHER one-topic posters pooh-poohing the post claiming that there was some funny stuff going on in the latest Bin Laden video:
What’s this spook crap?
So just for daring to dissent from the conspiracy theory dogma, you’re branded a spook, an “official” denier?
And what’s with etermination rhetoric like “Your time will come. Sooner or later”?
And here is my answer.
With an intel system that has “spooked” every major leftist…and not-so-leftist…movement in America for over 60 years?
Whaddayou…kiddin’ me or what?
LOOK, Ma!!! Halloween came early this year!!!
Infiltrators and turned members are a mainstream FBI/CIA/GOKWOO (God Only Knows What Other Organizations) so-called “investigative” device. It is an absolute CERTAINTY that they are being used against the leftist blogs. I once did a little time/work survey on the nasty DHinMI entity who ruled the banning roost at dKos when I was involved there, and over a fairly extended period of time…a number of hours…there was NO WAY ON EARTH that one person could have made the sustained series of posts that “(s)he” made.
When a blog…this one…sails along for quite a while without much in the way of opposition (trickily presented or plain in your face) and then suddenly there are new entities complaining about tinfoil-hat conspiracy nuts all of which new entities have recently signed up, all of whom have never made a post or a comment about ANYTHING else…???
C’mon, Offisa Pup.
You can do better than that!!!
Or…maybe you cannot.
It is sloppy, transparent work like this that is helping the U.S. to lose its grip on the Third World.
Low rent, minimum wage virtual spooks.
Where hideth the vicious ninja-like killers of yesteryear?
The Castro poisoned-cigar makers.
The Presidential honeytrap sex workers.
The upright Ollie North types, all jaw and no soul.
Alas, poor spooks…we hardly knew ye. (Which I guess was the POINT of the gig. Right?)
I suppose all the GOOD spook jobs have been outsourced to cheaper labor pools.
To Spookistan and points east and/or west.
Leaving us with the dregs.
I can see the ad now.
Join the CIA!!!
Work at home!!!
You TOO can be a part of Virtual Spooknet World.
Enroll at the CIA.NET school of blogstuffing.
You too can make $20, $30, even $100/day at home in your spare time!!!
Join the thousands of others who have found out how to take part in this active lifestyle AND serve their country.
Enroll now and get three free lessons from some of the best in the business.
Yes indeed. Some of the PIONEERS IN THIS FIELD will be available online (under assumed names, of course) to give YOU tips on how to make a career in this exciting field!!!
So sign up NOW!!!
(PayPal accepted. Of course.)
Give me a break!!!
P.S. The “etermination” rhetoric? (Nice, by the way!!! “Etermination.” The ideas of “extermination”, “determination” and some web talk “e”- stuff hooked up with the word “termination”. Are you a creative writer or just a sloppy typist? Either way, Freud woulda LOVED it.)
Like “Your time will come. Sooner or later”?
Dear deluded spooks and spookesses…you exterminate YOURSELVES.
I’m not going to have to do it.
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Martin Luther King Jr.
Believe it.
Recs? (Please.)
Belly laughs?
I still maintain that we can LAUGH THESE FOOLS RIGHT OUT OF BUSINESS.
God I hate incompetence!!!
Fucking Double 0 Zeroes at work.
No wonder we are collapsing.
awwwww….inkan took offense.
don’t feed the trolls AG.
you should check out Wonkette.com for some of their take on the washington crowd.
Actually, for me the dead giveaway is the blowing of the stack.
Anyone who shows up out of nowhere spewing inanities having no possible relationship to any actual extant reality (“Trust the government, they wouldn’t lie to you” and “there are no government conspiracies”) and expecting to be taken at face value (and becoming offended if not) is about 99.9999% certain to be a spook.
If not, they should CERTAINLY know better than to take offense at the suggestion. Anyone who’s been involved with the progressive movement for more than a few days is well aware that it is comprehensively penetrated by various forms of spooks. Newcomer-paranoia is a well-honed survival reflex based on years and decades of experience and a few thousand FBI/CIA/DoD/NSA/etcetc files. Caution is the only sane response.
When Chavez was briefly overthrown, a Venezuelan expat friend of mine observed immediately that it was the CIA behind it. Why? For the same reason he expected that the sun would rise in the east the next morning – because never in living memory had it happened that the sun did not, and never in living memory had it happened that a leftist government in Latin America was overthrown that the CIA did NOT have a hand in it.
(And guess what? The coup was planned in the conference room at the US embassy; the various parties were all reporting progress to a command and control operation in the US compound. I’m sure that’s just coincidence, though….)
This is the same thing. Sane people take as a starting point that the “drop-in debunkers” are spooks because it’s never happened that they weren’t.
REAL progressives would be, are, inherently aware of this, and take no offense.
Fakes get pissed.
DHinMI. Nasty little diary police I thought at the time.