How the hell stupid does Bush think we are? He wants America to buy those numbers as a troop reduction? Even some of the mainstream media ain’t going along with bullshit this transparent. WE’RE F@#%KN TIRED OF IT! Here’s ABC, and check out the in-your-face subheading:
7,000 More Troops in Iraq By Next Summer
Bush’s plan is to withdraw five brigades by mid-July — approximately 23,000 troops, leaving about 137,000 U.S. troops in place by next summer.
While Bush portrayed the redeployment as a troop withdrawal, there will actually be 7,000 more troops in Iraq next summer than there were before Bush deployed additional forces to Iraq in January as part of a troop surge plan to quell sectarian violence.
September 15, 1935 was when the German flag was changed to the Nazis’ swastika. Remember that day and maybe fly the flag below when you get your asses in the streets (yeah, block some f@%#kin traffic on a Saturday) in Washington D.C. tomorrow:
In other words . . .
130,000=137,000=a decrease. It’s the new math! More IS less.
This is the reason Republicans hate education. The ability to do simple math blows holes in their propaganda campaigns.
His math is bad, and his geography must suck too, because he thinks there are 35 other countries fighting alongside us in Iraq.