In a fine post today, btchakir makes the magically obvious statement At this point we must seriously doubt Bush’s sanity.
I counter with this idea.
At this point we must seriously doubt Bush’s purposes.
For whom does he really work?
Is he some kind of double agent?
Are all of his failures, all of his continuing mistakes ACTUALLY “mistakes”?
Hard to believe.
VERY hard to believe.
Read on for my own take on the matter.
At this point we must seriously doubt Bush’s purposes.
NOT his sanity.
If he is not truly insane…and bone deep stupidity is a form of insanity, or at the very least a good marker for same…then there really is only one other way to view his continuing actions and by extension the goals of those who control him.
He is working to defeat the United States of America.
He is essentially a double agent.
Now I do not believe that he is working for another country. We may actually be coming to a point in the history of the world where the old idea of countries…so-called sovereign nations…is a thing of the past. As the real power becomes concentrated in the hands of an international few, the concepts of “nation” and “colony” begin to bump up against one another.
Look at the sustained set of failures that the Bush administration has managed to produce in seven short years.
LOOK at it!!!
Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.
But not this bunch.
Failure after failure after failure.
Economically. militarily, and in terms of the domestic infrastructure as well.
Think about it.
Where is the single part of this system in which they have shown some success?
Only in the attempt to end personal privacy. In the control of the populace by any means necessary.
And what would be the most dangerous characteristic of our previous historical culture if indeed their goal is to bring the society to its knees and make the United States just another subject Third World country? A BIG one, but…as above, so below.
Individual freedom. Of thought AND of action. A large nation of truly free individuals CANNOT be conquered.
Only destroyed.
Where would be the profit in THAT? Destroy the workers and who makes any profit? Only subjugation makes profit on this level. And only destruction of the individual freedoms of thought and action can permit subjugation.
In the interests of which destruction ButchCo has been very successfully employed. Its only true success.
Accept this idea and then the only question that remains is as follows.
For what (or for whom) do these people work?
The fundamentalist Islamicists say “Satan”.
A catch-all concept, I will admit. But given the ongoing collapse of the moral fiber of this country, not a bad attempt at a broad explanation.
Others will say “Corporatism”.
Still others…and I have to say, it is not beyond the realm of possibility if you look at the record of denial on all levels of all of the the governments of the world for the last 70 years or so…would say aliens. There is INDEED an “alien” glint in the eyes of people like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and right on down the line to their compatriots and co-conspirators like Ken Lay, Henry Kissinger (The advance guard?) and Oliver North.
Is this possible?
I do not think that we will ever know.
Nor MUST we know.
If indeed a culture so superior to ours that it can hide in plain sight is in the process of subverting us for its own profit, the resistance that we must mount should be exactly the same as the one that would be required if instead it was a foreign nation or some group of immensely wealthy corporations that was attempting to subvert our freedoms by covert means.
Total resistance. By any means necessary. STARTING WITH BUT NOT NECESSARILY CONFINED TO political means.
We have only one more year before the political crunch is totally upon us.
Should the Dems win and STILL refuse to act in the best interests of this country and the rest of the world (or of course should we end up with a Giuliani as President) it will mean to me that the resistance must and will take another tack, because whatever the true nature of the interests that are bringing this country to its knees, it will then be totally clear (if it is not clear enough already) that they have gained total possession of the reins of power on both sides of the classic two party system aisle.
Are you ready for a real resistance movement?
I would prefer not to be, myself, but what the hell.
Live free or die.
Give me freedom or give me death.
The old guys knew.
The only question that remains is:
Freedom from what?
We have indeed been born into interesting times.
And these ARE the good old days.
Resistance to this cannot come from within the system any longer. It just makes America look good while not changing a thing about policy.
that all the interest that has been genned up by politics on the left side today cannot just be quelled. Pelosi can’t just sit on contempt citations. I will support Cindy Shehan in that case and be pleased to do so. The system may not be working, but there is a mass of folks with their eyes glued on DC. DC aint looking too good these days. Bush dog dems are now being painted with targets (in the political primary sense). So that energy will not go away readily. But, if we attack Iran what then? What new “powers” will this “war” presnit assert?
the MATRIX: Modular Automatic Target Recognition for Interactive Exploitation is here, and coming soon to the boob tube near you.
clik to enlarge
this message brought to you by Ministry of Homeland Security…get back in line.
plug in, turn on, and zone out.
In fact…it is REQUIRED.
BEEN required for at least 217 years.
Longer, actually.
His purpose is that of Nero. To burn, but not destroy Rome, so that he may rebuild it in his image: destroy the old elite and replace them with his own cronies. Destroy the old power structures and replace them with those under his gang’s control.
Have you …or anyone else…any prtactical suggestions as to how we might be able to STOP this from happening?
Nothing that can be written down here.
To be cryptic: we must raise the ‘Army of the 12 Monkeys’…
You are right. His purpose is to increase the wealth of his family and his family’s cronies the Saudis. Even though he is a fuckup and actually enhanced the position of Iran more than Saudi Arabia with his idiotic adventure in Iraq, the war criminal Bush’s attempts to “fix” Iraq are all aimed a reducing Iranian and enhancing Saudi influence and wealth. As I said some time ago, the war criminal Bush is not a Manchurian Candiate but a Saudi one.
I recommended both your and btchakir’s diary because I don’t think it’s an either / or question. I doubt both his purposes and his sanity.
It’s 2 mints in one, as it were.
In the end…at the end of Martin Luther King Jr.’s arc of justice (“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”-MLK Jr.)…those who enlist in the service of true evil are ALWAYS punished. Sometimes it is relatively immediate, like Hitler, and sometimes in crawls through a family for a few generations until the lightning strikes.
And when you take a look at how plainly both the poetic myths of history and history itself state this fact, one MUST be insane to take that particular plunge into the dark side.
I agree.
Both his purposes and his sanity are in doubt.
But…we must not discount his purpses because we feel that he is so crazy that he is bound to fail.
He ain’t THAT crazy. And his controllers are even less so.
Bet on it.
I agree with you. I think he’s crazy, I think his handlers realize it and take advantage of it for their own purposes; it doesn’t help that Bush’s own purpose is wrapped up in his twisted and inflated opinion of himself and his “legacy”.
And you can’t separate one from the other.
I can relate to that, too.
If I saw someone with the same look in their eyes as Butch…and this goes for Cheney, Edwards, and Giuliani as well, just to name a few…in a bar or on the street, I would IMMEDIATELY have my eye on them. Either for crazy violence or for an equally crazy con game/selling game of some sort. And I would keep it on them as long as they were in range. Bet on it. I would know where they were and whether they were paying attention to me. Bet on it.
Because they are WRONG.
W-R-O-N-G wrong!!!
if you have not spent enough time on hard streets, you may not understand this concept. But any cop or street person will tell you the same thing. You can smell wrong coming off of some people, and when your life hangs in the balance you had damned well better pay attention to your instincts. They are all you have.
Either Clinton?
Dunno if I would feel safe with Bill watching my back in a tight situation, but the others? They would do what they could. So would Bill, probably. But he’s so lucky/smart that he would be out of the room when the fight broke out. Or over schmoozing the wrongs so’s it would never break out in the first place.
Wrong like a MOTHERFUCKER.
It don’t take no PhD to figure that one out.
Just some basic street smarts.
In fact…most PhDs can’t figure their way out of a paper bag.
Or a cul de sac.
So it goes.
I’ve lived in my fair share of dicey neighborhoods, and went to college in North Philly. But really, all one has to do is have close dealings with an alcoholic, and you learn to watch every little nonverbal sign from people for what’s coming next.
Bush tosses out nonverbal clues to his true nature at warp speed, which is why could never understand how people could vote for him. And the message he sends isn’t pretty.
I know.
It’s amazing, isn’t it? The sheer depth of the sleep in which most people live.
I am no longer surprised by it, though.
It is not a passing problem. It is reality as it exists, and it probably always has been so.
Nor is it a party affiliation thing. It happens on the left too. Locksteppers of any stripe.
Talk about nonverbal cues!!!
And yet he had his rock solid 38-ish%, too.
As did the weak poseur and upwardly mobile gigolo John Small K kerry.
As does the EQUALLY weak John “I am one of you” Edwards.
A smaller percentage, but then…he is a smaller candidate.
A Zen koan asks “What are you drinking? The cup or the water?”
Most of us drink the cup.
Just as it has always been.
The Dem cup, the Ratpub cup, the “liberal” cup, the youth cup…whatever.
Instead of tasting the water.
That’s what makes Iron Chef competitions, I guess…may Whatever holds ALL of the cups preserve us as has been the case so far.
of winning a large lottery are about the equivalent of Bush’s consistency of “failure”. I simply refer to is as The Illuminati Plan To Destory America”. Now I mean “Illuminati” not in the sense of Adam Weishaupt’s bunch but instead to refer to whatever Satanic forces are really “in charge”.
We in the US are what, 300 million? World 6 billion.
If you were CEO of the world which exploitable population numbers would you prefer.
I keep looking for a real “resistance”, yet all I find is delusionals, retards and fools.
“Prison Break” season 2 shows us the ways even the president of the United States can be manipulated and controlled with complete ease by an unnamed man behind the scenes who bears a resemblance to Darth Vader’s father. His minion is Mr. Kim, who racks up a body count just to protect the secrets of “the company”.
Universal Karmic Law says that one can’t control people unless they have the total picture so I have to propose the Fox is actually telling us how “government” really works in this “fictional” TV miniseries. That way they can propagandize all they want with a “clear” conscience.
I still think we’re all delusionals and fools. The Lasthorseman reminds me of Arthur’s beginning on this blog with his aggressive contempt for other people. george is teaching us how W R O N G that mindset can be. (Sorry boys, but we have to accept him as one of the same species.)
I know I’d prefer a jury to a judge. It’s too easy to point and judge. The hard part is taking care of business in your own little circle.
How many of us knew that george and Dick were Wrong from the beginning. Some knew, but helped them along in hopes of cashing in.
Some people in the circle of elites knew. Some spoke out and took action that produced no victory. Now we watch as the dawn of understanding breaks over individual consciences who are in a position to have an effect. It’s damn slow and frustrating to know that we are helpless, but what we do helps to speed it up. We’re moving toward a consensus.
My culture has me wishing for a quick and certain change, but that’s too often violent. I don’t have any solutions, but I put my faith in other people taking care of problems in their own sphere of influence, and know the answer will come. No idea what form it will take – could be something we’ve never seen before.
I pray this frustration is a necessary part of an evolution toward a mo’ betta human society. Let’s just be cool and do our part.
Anger has its place too, Alice.
Yes. That is my nature. On the scale from hot to cold, I am pretty hot. It is genetic. Sue me. Sue my ancestors while you are at it.
Contempt for other people?
A false blanket statement.
Anger at the repeated failings of some other people? Including my own? People who ought to know better? Who if they do not SOON know better will quite likely be responsible…good,. well-meaning people though they quite often may be…for the destruction of civilization and perhaps all life on this little backwater planet?
I’ll cop to that.
I reserve my contempt for the dedicated criminals. The murderers, the thieves, the con artists. The bringers of pain.
And for their enablers, who probably more deserve pity than contempt.
Another of my own many failings. On which I am busily working.
And you?
Thrower of unnecessary stones?
What are your failings?