A scientist who advises President Bush has officially committed heresy:
Professor John Marburger, who advises President Bush, said it was more than 90% certain that greenhouse gas emissions from mankind are to blame. […]
There may still be some members of the White House team who are not completely convinced about climate change – but it is clear that the science advisor to the President and director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy is not one of them.
In the starkest warning from the White House so far about the dangers ahead, Professor Marburger told the BBC that climate change was unequivocal, with mankind more than 90% likely to blame.
Despite disagreement on the details of climate science, he said: “I think there is widespread agreement on certain basics, and one of the most important is that we are producing far more CO2 from fossil fuels than we ought to be.
“And it’s going to lead to trouble unless we can begin to reduce the amount of fossil fuels we are burning and using in our economies.”
How long before he resigns to spend more time with his family? A month? A week?
Ps. I’m sure the American news media will get around to reporting on this — eventually.
It would be nice to see KO create a new “Best Person in the World” segment. He could start tonight with John Marburger, eh?
This never would have happened if Rove was still at the White House.
That’d just be creating a target list.
Don’t you just KNOW Marburger’s life insurance agent is trying desperately where his next job is going to be?
`Cause this guy, he’s about to have a very VERY sad (and mathematically improbable) accident.
Sure as Hell hope not, but I get your drift.
A bit of good news! Here is another bit of good news. Shaeen is in for Senate!
I’m going to be reactionary on this one.
CO2 emissions do not cause global warming! Why? Because China is exempt, that’s why.
My job is going to China,
My kid’s jobs are going to China.
And my grandson’s job is going to China.
You want me to support the deliberate lowering of my lifestyle? I don’t think so.
The Kyoto Protocol is not the same thing as global warming. And we are long past the point where the Kyoto protocol would have been a sufficient response to global warming (indeed, we were past that point when it was originally conceived).
Ignoring global warming and the cause of it (man-made carbon emissions) will not help you or your children or your grandchildren retain your lifestyle. In fact, that lifestyle will inevitably be effected by global warming for the worse. The only thing we can do now is to hope to limit the damage and preserve at least an earth that will support human life for your grandchildren and mine.
All of this however will play out as taxes. Those who can afford to pollute will continue to do so, only this time at the expense of those who cannot afford to do so. And of course those taxes collected will absolutely be spent on things other than green alternatives. Believe me I get the picture here.
Scam, plain and simple.
A few recent events to ponder:
Hurricane Felix went from tropical storm to CAT 5 in 18 hours.
Tuesday night a very large thunderstorm was moving into Corpus Christi Bay about 3 miles outside my office window. Abruptly it started moving northeast and formed into Hurricane Humberto in 14 hours.
Researchers in the Artic watched an expanse of the ice cap the size of Florida melt and disappear right in front of them in six days.
The next time some Fox News watching moron says something about cow farts or other BS, just slap the shit out of the dumb SOB.