So, there’s been a lot said on here in the past about who was the best candidate on the environment.  A lot of people have said Edwards, in fact, there was a diary on the rec list yesterday about how Gore should endorse him.

Well, the League of Conservation Voters thinks he’d choose Obama.  Here’s their rankings, based on their votes in congress and their profiles they personally submitted to the group:

> Obama – 96
> Kucinich – 92
> Clinton – 90
> Biden – 84
> Richardson -82
> Dodd – 77
> Edwards – 59
> Paul – 30
> McCain – 26
> Brownback – 14
> Thompson – 12
> Tancredo -11
> Hunter – 9

You can go here: to see the numbers and read their profiles.  I don’t know about you, but I choose substance over rhetoric, and I trust the league of conservation voters quite a bit.

So, it would seem that based on actual votes in congress, Obama is your choice.  If Obama is your choice, and you can spare some change, consider donating.  Your donation can be as small as $5.  Thanks.