A new study says that, compared to Bush, Pol Pot was a lightweight.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
But, to paraphrase earlier verbiage, it’s a small price to pay.
I hear it is a lovely time of year to be at the Hague.
With the msm sanitizing the war and so much information surrounding it it’s no wonder that this truly disgusting statistic is relayed in the article..that when polled recently about how many Iraqi’s have probably been killed so far the answer was astoundingly less than 10,000.
Less than 10,000 vs over a million people in Iraq who have been killed…there in a nutshell is proof that the msm is simply a purveyor of propaganda to keep the general public misinformed and not interested in real/factual news.
There really is no level of hell deep enough for the bushco war machine. Since it is apparent that the dems will not even consider impeaching these sick bastards it would be nice to see any one of them apprehended in another country when they are doing some foreign policy traveling. Didn’t Germany issue a warrant like that for Rummy at one time?
And look who was in the neighborhood, saying the war in Iraq was right war at the right time.
Project Censored has their most excellent list.
Hey, it’s almost the modern equivalent of Schindler’s list.
Froomkin is shrill.
Yep…and there might even be a price to be paid:
Travel beyond the confines of the 50 states in the future is going to be extremely unlikely as well for the members of the administration, and perhaps even congress, should they allow these actions to continue or escalate into a broader conflict: Congress’ Liability in a Nuclear Strike on Iran – by Jorge Hirsch.
This link is one I went to, after getting it from “thelasthorseman” here on BooMan in Larry Johnson`s diary last night. It does explain how some things are done, with no direct connection to the perpetuators/perpatrators of these actions. It`s a long read, but well researched, imho.
You`d think that any congressperson upon reading the ICC`s plain & unambiguous language in the link, would be a little worried about having to stay indoors, peeking out, waiting for the man to come & take them away. “Iron bars do not a prison make”, but it might sure feel like it, when one is relegated to home confinement.
you’d think. but they think they’re all above the law…kinda dumb for a bunch of lawyers…
They`ll use the OJ excuse.
OJ: I was just getting my stuff. (with guns)
We just went in there to get “our” oil. (with bombs)
McCain is on now. (Hardball)
The idiot can`t say if OJ can get a fair trial.
The idiot can`t say if we should take bombing Iran off the table, but won`t sing “Bomb Iran” again, on the air.
Shit, after his idiotic debate with himself on Press the Meat, why is he even on TV.
Remember when, in Middle School, you were asked to consider the question of how the everyday German could sit by and watch the ghettos of WWII purged of innocents and do nothing?
What have we done?