Today was a really lousy day for the U.S. Senate. Republicans didn’t want to restore Habeas Corpus and they didn’t want to give the troops adequate rest. We’ve made absolutely no progress in the last six months. None.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m really angry about the habeas bill, fucking furious really, but you know what?
I think the motherfuckers cooked their goose on the webb amendment. I think they just officially lost 2008 all the way, never mind for the rest of the year.
Even people who don’t pay attention to politics knew what the webb amendment was about. They know that the surge was supposed to be over and it isn’t. They know that the troops are facing some of the worst shit on earth right now, and now they see the GOP refuse to give them even a break.
There comes a point where they lose everyone, and I think this was it. you can spin “habeas” into “rights for terrorists” and there will be some stupid assholes who will buy that. but you can’t put a negative spin on “combat troops deserve downtime”: it just doesn’t work. especially not in a “support the troops” culture.
Most people right now feel bad for our troops, even nonpolitical people. they see this vote and they know it’s not right. it offends their sense of common decency. the dems should be all over this.
on September 19, 2007 at 7:19 pm
Call your senator. Call Harry Reid. Make them talk.
Enough with this crap about the filibuster which is not forced to work. A filibuster is too easy today.
We need a filibuster environment in which people are killed by exhaustion. I ain’t quitting until someone drops dead on the Senate Floor.
…Republicans aren’t just obstructing legislation at normal rates. They’re obstructing legislation at three times the usual rate. They’re absolutely desperate to keep this stuff off the president’s desk, where the only choice is to either sign it or else take the blame for a high-profile veto.
…Would it really be so hard for reporters to make it clear exactly who’s responsible for blocking these bills?
No , it is good that they voted on those things at all, well had a cloture vote on them. It would make it a great day if they actually forced the Rpugs to filibuster.
Does anyone know why they aren’t required to actually fillibuster anymore?
Is this something that gets setup in the rules at the beginning of the session or something?
If I were Reid I would have MADE them stand there talking to fillibuster the Webb amendment – get that footage broadcast on CSPAN for 24-48 hours – even with a compliant media it would be hard for them to explain why they’re willing to stay up all night and day holding the floor to prevent a vote that would let the troops have a rest.
I mean, I can kind of see not forcing them to do it every time because, well, the Senate does need to get work done occasionally. But the Webb amendment should have been a political goldmine for the Dems – this is one of those few times where “political theater” might have been put to good use, and might have shamed some of the fencesitters like Warner to come back to the light if it went on for a few days and the GOPers were clearly acting like idiots.
There are only so many legislative days available and the Dems used up a ton of them in the spring trying to get something to happen. They can’t allow filibusters to chew up more days on the calender without it adversely affecting their ability to pass their appropriations bills and some of the other stuff on their agenda. So it becomes a real problem for the Dems to force prolonged debate. Not to mention, the Republicans have the ability to retaliate. I’m not saying the Dems can’t do it…but it has to be done right and it will come with serious costs.
Wrong! If the Democratic leadership forces the Republicans to physically and demonstrably filibuster the Webb Amendment and every other piece of legislation which might prompt Bush’s veto, THE REPUBLICANS ARE VISIBLY THE OBSTRUCTIONISTS. Once they get shown on the floor of the Senate day in and day out, they can’t hide anymore. Better, the MSM can’t post ignorant headlines – they’ll have to say the Republicans are filibustering, because any damned fool can see it with their own eyes on TV.
I disagree with your comment that the Republicans can retaliate. They’ve already launched a preemptive strike. They have no maneuver force left to counter Democratic leadership’s action. What are they going to do – filibuster more than they already plan on doing, which is everything. No, the Republican obstructionism must be made plain for the voters. The Republicans claim they want war and war they shall have.
I’m too tired to go hunt down the sources I’ve been using on this…I will if it is really necessary…please take my word on it…
If we did not have a war in Iraq and the Republicans were not going to filibuster anything, we still would be hard pressed to pass all the bills through the senate with time for debate that absolutely need to get passed. And the reason for that is because of time used up in the spring.
And there are other bills besides appropriations that the Dems absolutely want to get passed.
I didn’t say that the Dems can’t halt everything and ram the Webb amendment home. But this is an amendment to the military appropriations bill…one of thirteen appropriations bills, none of which have been passed, and all of which should be passed by Oct. 1st.
Obviously that isn’t going to happen either way.
As for retaliation, the Republicans can filibuster anything they want and they can raise of procedural roadblocks, and they can definitely play tit-or-tat. It’s the Dems responsibility to keep the government open, not theirs. They are always happy to pass continuing resolutions that prevent any adjustments for inflation in the budget.
All I want is for people to know the situation Reid is in. When you understand it, you can better make a cost/benefit analysis of where to take a stand.
no, it’s a terrible day because we can’t do a thing to help anyone. We can’t get it done. And who has the energy to wait another 13 months to get another crack at it. It’s a totally demoralizing day.
stop the shit Boo- you posted this at 6:42 PM. You aint goin ta bed. Everyone is tired. The day sucked. The week sucked. The month sucked. Big fucking deal. We just ain’t focused. Is it gloves off time?Do we still have to respect that fucking traitor Warner?Do we have to listen to lieberman as we sit respectfully?
Jerry Weller- Rep from Il. just bailed. How many fucking goopers does that make yet where the news?
Theres the focus- the Media. We have to use them. They won’t respect us and our opinions, well the we have to creat incidents that will draw attention and get coverage. We have to confront the bastards every single chance we get AND I DONT MEAN JUST THE GOOPERS!
We gotta make a mess. It didnt take one march to stop nam. It didn’t take one march get racial equality started in this hell hole. Ya can’t be that tired at 6:48 PM. You got the vehicle- put out the word. The blogs are the broadsides of 1770! The campuses are ripe. The poor bastards dying daily in NO are ripe. And if the dems don’t want to take of their jackets and get a little dirt on their shirts then fuck them. We will do what we all knew we would have to do at some point in time. Start again!
instilling a sense of learned helplessness in the population. They are not even remotely trying to be responsive.
I’m really angry about the habeas bill, fucking furious really, but you know what?
I think the motherfuckers cooked their goose on the webb amendment. I think they just officially lost 2008 all the way, never mind for the rest of the year.
Even people who don’t pay attention to politics knew what the webb amendment was about. They know that the surge was supposed to be over and it isn’t. They know that the troops are facing some of the worst shit on earth right now, and now they see the GOP refuse to give them even a break.
There comes a point where they lose everyone, and I think this was it. you can spin “habeas” into “rights for terrorists” and there will be some stupid assholes who will buy that. but you can’t put a negative spin on “combat troops deserve downtime”: it just doesn’t work. especially not in a “support the troops” culture.
Most people right now feel bad for our troops, even nonpolitical people. they see this vote and they know it’s not right. it offends their sense of common decency. the dems should be all over this.
Call your senator. Call Harry Reid. Make them talk.
Enough with this crap about the filibuster which is not forced to work. A filibuster is too easy today.
We need a filibuster environment in which people are killed by exhaustion. I ain’t quitting until someone drops dead on the Senate Floor.
We have to get rid of Ted Stevens somehow.
no shit!
from kevin drum:
apparently it would, kevin…16 more months of this dysfunctional crap.
think l’ll go out and have a few cold ones and listen to some blues.
The thought of 16 more months of this is almost more than I can bear. And I’m not stuck in Iraq on McChimpy’s orders.
A cold one and the blues sounds about right.
Cheer up
No , it is good that they voted on those things at all, well had a cloture vote on them. It would make it a great day if they actually forced the Rpugs to filibuster.
Does anyone know why they aren’t required to actually fillibuster anymore?
Is this something that gets setup in the rules at the beginning of the session or something?
If I were Reid I would have MADE them stand there talking to fillibuster the Webb amendment – get that footage broadcast on CSPAN for 24-48 hours – even with a compliant media it would be hard for them to explain why they’re willing to stay up all night and day holding the floor to prevent a vote that would let the troops have a rest.
I mean, I can kind of see not forcing them to do it every time because, well, the Senate does need to get work done occasionally. But the Webb amendment should have been a political goldmine for the Dems – this is one of those few times where “political theater” might have been put to good use, and might have shamed some of the fencesitters like Warner to come back to the light if it went on for a few days and the GOPers were clearly acting like idiots.
There are only so many legislative days available and the Dems used up a ton of them in the spring trying to get something to happen. They can’t allow filibusters to chew up more days on the calender without it adversely affecting their ability to pass their appropriations bills and some of the other stuff on their agenda. So it becomes a real problem for the Dems to force prolonged debate. Not to mention, the Republicans have the ability to retaliate. I’m not saying the Dems can’t do it…but it has to be done right and it will come with serious costs.
Wrong! If the Democratic leadership forces the Republicans to physically and demonstrably filibuster the Webb Amendment and every other piece of legislation which might prompt Bush’s veto, THE REPUBLICANS ARE VISIBLY THE OBSTRUCTIONISTS. Once they get shown on the floor of the Senate day in and day out, they can’t hide anymore. Better, the MSM can’t post ignorant headlines – they’ll have to say the Republicans are filibustering, because any damned fool can see it with their own eyes on TV.
I disagree with your comment that the Republicans can retaliate. They’ve already launched a preemptive strike. They have no maneuver force left to counter Democratic leadership’s action. What are they going to do – filibuster more than they already plan on doing, which is everything. No, the Republican obstructionism must be made plain for the voters. The Republicans claim they want war and war they shall have.
I’m not sure what is WRONG!! about my analysis.
I’m too tired to go hunt down the sources I’ve been using on this…I will if it is really necessary…please take my word on it…
If we did not have a war in Iraq and the Republicans were not going to filibuster anything, we still would be hard pressed to pass all the bills through the senate with time for debate that absolutely need to get passed. And the reason for that is because of time used up in the spring.
And there are other bills besides appropriations that the Dems absolutely want to get passed.
I didn’t say that the Dems can’t halt everything and ram the Webb amendment home. But this is an amendment to the military appropriations bill…one of thirteen appropriations bills, none of which have been passed, and all of which should be passed by Oct. 1st.
Obviously that isn’t going to happen either way.
As for retaliation, the Republicans can filibuster anything they want and they can raise of procedural roadblocks, and they can definitely play tit-or-tat. It’s the Dems responsibility to keep the government open, not theirs. They are always happy to pass continuing resolutions that prevent any adjustments for inflation in the budget.
All I want is for people to know the situation Reid is in. When you understand it, you can better make a cost/benefit analysis of where to take a stand.
no, it’s a terrible day because we can’t do a thing to help anyone. We can’t get it done. And who has the energy to wait another 13 months to get another crack at it. It’s a totally demoralizing day.
stop the shit Boo- you posted this at 6:42 PM. You aint goin ta bed. Everyone is tired. The day sucked. The week sucked. The month sucked. Big fucking deal. We just ain’t focused. Is it gloves off time?Do we still have to respect that fucking traitor Warner?Do we have to listen to lieberman as we sit respectfully?
Jerry Weller- Rep from Il. just bailed. How many fucking goopers does that make yet where the news?
Theres the focus- the Media. We have to use them. They won’t respect us and our opinions, well the we have to creat incidents that will draw attention and get coverage. We have to confront the bastards every single chance we get AND I DONT MEAN JUST THE GOOPERS!
We gotta make a mess. It didnt take one march to stop nam. It didn’t take one march get racial equality started in this hell hole. Ya can’t be that tired at 6:48 PM. You got the vehicle- put out the word. The blogs are the broadsides of 1770! The campuses are ripe. The poor bastards dying daily in NO are ripe. And if the dems don’t want to take of their jackets and get a little dirt on their shirts then fuck them. We will do what we all knew we would have to do at some point in time. Start again!
quite the pep talk, bill.
I’m back in the saddle.
You’re not alone.
Hang in there.
One of the main things I’ve noticed about being sane, politically, is that it is enormously taxing.
We have to suck it up and keep up the fight. I blame no one for bailing. I’ve personally considered just checking out many, many times.
Not yet. I think the Dems are poised for 19 House and 7 Senate seats, based on the Republicans I know.
Keep fighting the good fight, and good luck to you.
It IS exhausting.