…and being passed off as intelligence? This from The View:
Galileo, Columbus, Darwin, Freud, Curie… what was the point of centuries of thinking, experimenting, searching and discovering people if we were going to get this both on National television and from Republican Presidential candidates?
Why do parents drop hundreds of thousands of dollars to put their kids through college, then sit back and absorb this claptrap on television?
And we wonder why we let Bush lead us into war with Iraq… and why we let him take the funds away from necessary programs in order to cut taxes on the rich as they profit from the war.
Whoopi, if I were you I’d get out of there now!
You really can’t blame them for this. Conservative thinking “is a law unto itself.” Hence, their view of the world is somewhat restricted.
The only View they really get is what the world looks like-if they’re able to master the ability of extricating their heads from their own rectums.
As if Elizabeth Hasselbeck weren’t bad enough, they had to go out and find someone else to make her look like a comparative genius.
Here’s a woman who states she does not believe in evolution while espousing views that seem to prove categorically that neanderthals do live on.
Jay Severin, the local right wing pundit of note has picked Iceland as his apparent retreat.