Falluja is only 50 kilometers from Baghdad, but a prudent traveler will fly to Damascus first and drive to Falluja from the west. That’s what the Bush administration calls progress in Anbar province.
When Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the multinational force in Iraq, appeared before Congress with Ambassador Crocker to testify about the results of President Bush’s “surge” strategy, he talked a lot about these tribal militias and the success of Anbar. It is the only progress the U.S. has made in Iraq for years. It’s unclear whether the additional 30,000 troops that make up the surge have had much effect on the Anbar Awakening. But watching Gen. Petraeus, I was struck by how familiar his words sounded. The general talked like every Sunni I’ve ever met in Iraq—hell, he sounded a bit like Saddam. The old tyrant would have had one of his characteristic chest-heaving guffaws watching Petraeus as he intoned the old Baathist mantra about the dangers to Iraq: Iran, Iran, Iran.
Bush is the new Saddam.
And our success came from the locals deciding to do something about it when they thought we might be leaving.
Surge on.
I’m willing to bet that not one word of this is true.
I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning when I saw that the WaPo had the gall to publish this crap. Not only is not one word of it true, every word of it is sordidly mendacious, carefully fabricated and constructed to advance the cause of war, war and more war forever and ever. Libels, deceits, distortions, what the WaPo used to call propaganda when it came from the mouthpieces of the former Soviet Union. Rumor is war’s closest ally, said an ancient Greek. Or was it the English bard?
Absolutely, this is reads like a bunch of innuendo, rumor and gossip trying to pass itself off a serious piece of journalism..funny they didn’t quote the head of IAEA, El Baradei who would no doubt be the expert on what Syria just might or might not be doing.
had a much more believable take on it
it’s good to see you around, diane.
it’s nice to be missed.
I’m here every day, but mostly just lurking lately.
from the same article:
Hey, nothing that 6 more months of ‘more of the same’ can’t fix…
Iraqi’s standing up, but chimpy and Blackwater won’t stand down:
just send money.
STFU and sit back down al-Maliki.
So Maliki blinked and his personal bank account probably just got a lot bigger.
I know Friedman is a dirty word these days, and I know I’ve posted this before, but dammit, it’s not like nobody saw this coming.
…Or the envelope could say, ”You’ve just won the Arab Yugoslavia — an artificial country congenitally divided among Kurds, Shiites, Sunnis, Nasserites, leftists and a host of tribes and clans that can only be held together with a Saddam-like iron fist. Congratulations, you’re the new Saddam.”
He’s disrespected for a reason, IMO…because, if he really was/is the ME expert he pretends to be, he knew what the answer was.
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to have a pretty damn good idea of which one of Thomas “FU” Friedman’s scenarios was right. All one had to do was look at the history of Iraq/Mesopotamia…it’s not like they hadn’t been battling one another, as well as outsiders since….oh…2500BC or so. Not to mention the relatively recent history of the 1920 Revolt against the British, and the obvious comparisons prior to the invasion. This Common Dreams post from 2004, does an excellent job of relating the similarities.
Friedman was doing nothing more than leaving himself an out while carrying water for the BushCo™ push to war.
Time for the Senate Dems to freeze into their hero postures and submit a resolution to bomb Canada for allowing our fine military to be compared with Saddam.