New ad which will appear in the Sunday edition of the New York Times
New York, NY (Rotters)- In a vote of 3,100,000 to 100,000 yesterday, the members of a massive nationwide progressive political action group voted overwhelmingly to place a second ad in the New York Times this weekend condemning the U.S. Congress for wasting time condemning a previous ad condemning General David Petraeus as “General Betray us”. The ad implies that both houses of Congress, in particular the leadership, are “Ass-kissing little chickenshits”, a term which has been used to refer to General Petraeus by his superiors in the past.
The text of the full page advertisement in it’s entirety stated:
Congress is a group of elected officials constantly at war with the electorate. In 2006 they continually insisted that if elected they would bring an end to the disastrous war and ongoing occupation of Iraq. Last week the leaders of both branches said, “We have achieved progress, and we are obviously going to do everything that we can to build on the progress.”
Yesterday, they had the opportunity to pass two important bills to advance their support for our troops in Iraq and alter the direction of the ongoing catastrophe. Instead they chose to condemn an article placed in the New York Times. We hear of bruised egos, hurt feelings, and improprieties. But we don’t hear of how many more troops will be hurt or killed because of their willful inaction.
More importantly, Congress cannot admit what everyone knows: Iraq is a bloodbath with or without us. They will not admit that American troops are condemned to remain in Iraq through at least one more election cycle.
CENTCOM Commander Admiral William Fallon has referred to “Surge Architect”
General David Petraeus has an “Ass-kissing little chickenshit”, far worse than the “Betray Us” invective coined by his own troops and pointed out by us. Today, perhaps, it is Congress that has actually betrayed us.
Congress has vowed to convene a special session this weekend to vote on another condemnation of the latest ad. Preliminary polling of the Senate indicates that the condemnation would pass handily with 80 votes for and 20 votes against. This margin guarantees that there would be no veto from the president.
The White House refused to directly comment on either the ad or Congress’s proposed response. “Unlike the blatantly partisan smear directed at General Petraeus, they may actually have a point here,” stated White House spokesperson Dana Perino. “The President is happy to see the national dialogue gravitate towards these more important and debatable issues, but is clearly disappointed over the language.”
This is great bood/dood!
Among your very best efforts.
I like THIS version of your diary better than the “orange” one….I can actually read the text of your ad in this one! Text of the ad was too small for my old eyes in the other one.
How have you been? Not as busy as I have, I hope! Just when I think I can’t possibly cut out anymore sleep time, I do… and my level of psychosis and incompetence creeps a little higher.
but if you want to post really offensive diaries (like my fave-Brownie drowning in Katrina waters!) do it here:
am busy, and trying to make higher office at the job in an entirely corrupt atmosphere.
At any rate-you fooled one of the great blogminds (Marie)with the chickenshit ad.
Bush gets to stroke his pet war and also succeeds in taking the focus off his tragic domestic policy and strategic devastation of the American economy in favor of the select group he laughs to the bank with.
Check out the latest chapter in the Nazification of Amerika.
If you can, please attend the TSA hearings on Thursday (Grand Hyatt Washington, 1000 H Street, N.W. beginning at 8:00am). If you can´t attend in person, you have until October 22, 2007 to submit written comments through the <>Docket Management System. The docket number is TSA-2007-28572.
Buried in the September 5 issue of the Federal Register, was a notice that Thursday, September 20, the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) will hold public hearings on their so-called Secure Flight Plan.
Come with me into a nightmare world where American citizens will have to obtain permission from the government before they can travel by air in the U.S. Your government (meaning the Department of Homeland Security) is up to no good. February 2008, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will implement their ¨Advance Passenger Information System (APIS),¨ the gist of which is that you will need permission from the United States Government to travel on any air or sea vessel that goes to, from or through the U.S. The travel companies will not be able to issue a boarding pass until you are cleared by DHS. This applies to ALL passengers, US citizens and visitors alike. And how do you get said permission to travel? That´s for your government to know and you to never find out.
Now TSA proposes to do for domestic travel what APIS will do for international routes. That´s what I said: the new TSA rule would require that you obtain PERMISSION to travel within the U.S. Here is the summary of their proposed rules, which seem so reasonable, couched as they are in the
blandness of governmenteez [emphasis added]. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) requires the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) to assume from aircraft operators the function of conducting pre-flight comparisons of airline passenger information to Federal Government watch lists for international and domestic flights.
This rule proposes to allow TSA to … receive passenger and certain non-traveler information, conduct watch list matching … and transmit boarding pass printing instructions back to aircraft operators.
TSA would do so in a consistent and accurate manner while minimizing false matches and protecting privacy information. Right. And I have a bridge in Brooklyn…
We propose that, when the Secure Flight rule becomes final, aircraft operators would submit passenger information to DHS through a single DHS portal for both the Secure Flight and APIS programs. This would [result] in one DHS system responsible for watch list matching for all aviation passengers.
Don´t you feel great knowing that your government will use economies of scale to protect you? <>
Edward Hasbrough states that these rules are more insidious than merely complying to demands for ¨Your papers please.¨ He states, The proposal … require[s] that travellers display their government-issued credentials not to government agents but to airline personnel (staff or contractors), whenever the DHS orders the airline to demand them. But since the orders to demand ID of [certain passengers] will be given to the airline in secret, … travellers will have no way to verify whether … demands for ID are actually based on government orders.
Think about that: you will not be allowed to verify if the person demanding your papers is actually authorized to do so. In addition, the airlines or their contractors (or sub or even sub sub contractors) have the right, under the proposed rules, to do anything they like with your personal information including: keep copies of your passport … as long as they like, use it, publish it, broadcast it, sell it, rent it, or pass it on to whomever they please…. [T]hey would have no obligation to get your permission for any of this.
Aside from the privacy issue, this is the DHS. Their past performance is an indication of future returns and we can look forward to true travel nightmares beginning February 19, 2008. Just think about the mess that occurred when CBP demanded that travelers to Canada and Mexico have a passport. Multiply that by orders of magnitude to imagine what travelers will be facing. If you can, please attend the TSA hearings on Thursday (Grand Hyatt Washington, 1000 H Street, N.W. beginning at 8:00am). If you can´t attend in person, you have until October 22, 2007 to submit written comments through the <>Docket Management System. The docket number is TSA-2007-28572.
The Identity Project at <>Papers Please is working to prevent your government from robbing you of your right to privacy in your movements.