Is it time to start a dis-loyal opposition yet? And I don’t mean Unity ’08.

I’m afraid we won’t win back our America by jotting off a vicious email or winning an intellectual debate. You might have noticed, but that is not how it was lost.

Anything squeezed through the odious rectum that is our electoral process will smell much like everything else that has dropped out of it for some time.

As democratically empowered Americans, we must all confront the question: Is it better to stroke one’s ethics or to confront the reality of what needs to be done to make things right in our nation and thereby the world we influence?

I have often written of ethics, but know now that ethics have become temporarily irrelevant and it is their very return to rule that must be fought for, yet they are no longer effective as a weapon in that fight.

Fighting fire with fire means doing everything that is already being done TO US, but to THEM:

Legally suppressing THEIR votes, raising a vast private military answerable only to Us, occupying resource-rich lands and demanding obedience from those who wish to do business in the post-revolutionary times. That sounds hard and violent, doesn’t it? It’s what they’ve accomplished. What have we done while this has occurred? Can you not see that the ruling the blogosphere doesn’t translate even indirectly to ruling in the real world?

Is it ‘ethical’ to do nothing that changes facts on the ground, and be appeased by popular acceptance of the ‘rightness’ of our opinions? Just because this is the stance of your leadership, must it be yours? Perhaps this appeasement is at the root of our disappointment in Congressional Democrats.

Times of War are dreadful and require that you stoop to rule.

How far is it OK to stoop? How is it possible that saving your personal ethical standing is more important than defeating a present and growing Evil? A legitimate, revolutionary opposition has been called for years, but unpopular because of the chance that “He’s not as bad as all that, it’s a pose for our enemies.”

It is a pose for our enemies, but those enemies are a lot closer to home than we all thought.

And perhaps the call to arms is a pose for our enemies? As the truth has been sacrificed – so reality can be rewritten. As they have grabbed the pen, we must snatch it back from their clutches.

What will be the trigger for you to lend your strength to putting out this Nero’s fire? The only ethical path is one that may actually work.