She makes her bed first thing in the morning
So she won’t crawl back in
She drinks her second cup of coffee
‘Cause it’s the only available sin
She falls asleep in the subway
She feels like Alice in the rabbit hole
She wakes up with a start
With an aching in her heart
She says they’ve got my mind and body
But they can’t take my soul
So she won’t crawl back in
She drinks her second cup of coffee
‘Cause it’s the only available sin
She falls asleep in the subway
She feels like Alice in the rabbit hole
She wakes up with a start
With an aching in her heart
She says they’ve got my mind and body
But they can’t take my soul
They’re making gold out of the good girls
They’re making dollars out of all our fantasies
They’re making bundles of cash
From the trash we think we need
Making gold out of the good girls
Like me…
– Amy Rigby
Glad it’s hump day today…
arming both sides may not be such a great idea: NYT
But this quote really gets to the heart of why this is happening:
Time to just declare victory and go home.
Say it’s improving in your next report, I dare ya.
Can we impeach them yet?
equally disturbing, Professor Juan Cole asks, Is Weapons Baiting a War Crime?
scroll down to
” The Washington Post’s revelation of a baiting operation by US Snipers raises the possibility that it may have involved war crimes….”
Bush’s hubris and hypocrisy couldn’t get any worse, he addresses the UN: McClatchy
Curt, we’ve been wondering that for a long time. And we have another 16 months of wondering to make it through, since it’s clear no one in DC wants to put a stop to his crap.
How was his speech received by those there other than the Cuban delegation walking out? From what I read of article it looked like bush did his usual little lecture to everyone as if only he’s in the know and has the high moral ground. I had to almost laugh at his line about Americans being outraged by what is happening in Burma..yeah sure they are, just like Americans who are marching in the streets about Darfur…not.
Guess he’s afraid to try pronouncing Myanmar.
I’m sure he’d learn pretty quickly if they had any oil.
Every day at morning coffee the local news (MSM) network is on, and every day they offend me.
This morning it was tougher penalties for drag racing.
Yes media says we ought to be more fascistic than we are today, more obsessed with crime and punishment.
I couple this with an internet you tube. A “reporter” takes to the streets of Austin Texas to ask people four very basic questions.
Who is the current vice president?
In what year did 911 happen?
crack me up.
The BooTrib Concentration Camp Watchline brings you this alert
Alleged Iranian ‘Front’ Represented by Mukasey Law Firm -ABC
I’m just thinking about those sanctions…
with blackwater hung around her and BushCo™’s necks like a dead armadillo, and her recent classification as persona non grata on the sunday spin circuit, rice has gone into full ‘firewall’ mode at DoS, drawing the continued ire of waxman:
can you say “executive priviledge”?…l knew you could.
lTMF’sA…henry….is it time yet?
LIEberman-Kyl amendment passes senate 76-22
roll call not yet avail.
way to go harry…the new and improved demoRat motto: CHIMPY’S CHUMPS!
the House has apparently condemned the MoveOn ad, joining the Senate in further abandonment of their duties.
overwhelmingly is the understatement of the day:
Breaking: House Votes to Condemn MoveOn
Yeas Nays NV:
Democratic 146 79 6
Republican 195 0 6
TOTALS 341 79 12
roll call via DemHillStaffer @ dKos
anybody still think you can change things from inside the party?
if so l’ve got some ocean front property in Utah l’d like to talk to you about.
jezeus! it’s been a hard couple of weeks.
It’s absolutely stunning.
But the ad worked – and the powers that be are scared shitless. We need to keep this roll-call in mind.
Thinkprogress has an update:
before the vote, paragraphs 3 and 4 were deleted from the original
See roll call here
UPDATE II: The roll call for the vote is here. The following senators voted against the amendment:
NAYs –22
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Byrd (D-WV)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Dodd (D-CT)
Feingold (D-WI)
Hagel (R-NE)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Leahy (D-VT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Lugar (R-IN)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Sanders (I-VT)
Tester (D-MT)
Webb (D-VA)
Wyden (D-OR)
Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Barack Obama (D-IL) didn’t vote.
off we go, into the wild blue younder, eh
Clinton shows where she stands on warmongering.
Biden & Dodd show a bit of sense
Obama is too chicken to take a stand.
29 Democrats voted for invading Iran. 1 Republican, and my favorite independent voted against. It’s looking hopeless today.
Comment on Eurotrib reports Kyl-Lie-berman resolution passed.
Bush gets go away for Iran war?