I am in constant search of things that make my mind wrap around common sense, as to the fact that I am my own person with a brain that can think and rationalize in the most ruptured world of today’s rhetoric of today’s political capitulation.  I am blown away with this interview of James Carroll by Tom Dispatch.  It is what I have been thinking for a very long time!

It has been a topic, not only here, but on may websites I have been to and read.  This is absolutely the most ridiculous of all nonsense ever IMHO to think that we have dominion of others of the world in religion.  Give it a read and feedback to me on your opinions of such a description.  BTW, I really enjoyed this display of words that made me really think back to my raising and how I see the world today in a different sight as to the years of old.  I truly have change in my own skin, thanks to this government we have today.
  I have taken Zolbys poll taking and have to constantly answer questions as what my religious preference is and am I a born again Christian or how often do I attend church.  What difference does it matter!? to anyone other than to myself and my own beliefs of things.  I do not ask them for theirs!  I am sincerely offended as to this what they assume of me.  They ask me what my gross income is and it never fails that I always say to them, it is not their business by saying, I decline to answer.  There should never be a question such as the above described on any survey for anyone to answer.  I am not going to take any more of these silly surveys.  They have done me in for the very last time.  Also they ask me who I voted for in the last presidential election, is if this really should matter.  We are at a crossroad for saving our beloved America and they ask ridiculous questions to make it look like I am truly interested in their opinion of things…I suppose I am just angered at the whole mess we have let ourselves get into.  I do not care if you are whatever religion you claim to be.  I just ask that you be true to yourself and not let the religions of America or the world make decisions for me on that basis.
here is the interview of which I want to pass on to you all.  Let us declare our independence from all and let us become the most thoughtful generation ever in our history.  Let us think with our own minds and make serious decisions that will help America/the World a better place to live.