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- Day 45: I Explain Trumpism to Justin Trudeau
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
since it’s Friday…
Great picture at top CG. I know of at least one proud mother that will extol its artistry. 🙂
Heh. We forgot to tell you that you’re the one who has to don the bellydancing costume and show us some hip action.
Hi SN.
Hey I’m a past middle aged man. There would be more belly showing than hip. 🙂
How’re you doing today?
All the better to shimmy with???
I’m better now that some of my work issues have been resolved…and vodka:30 is looming on the distant horizon. 😉
In the cafe it’s always vodka:30. Although at the moment I’m still in the coffee:30 mode.
Glad the work issues are resolved. You really need to be independently wealthy so you don’t have to worry about things like that. 🙂
…and vodka:30 is looming on the distant horizon.
Not too distant, I hope.
Hey, I recognize talent when I see it. Even in someone else’s offspring. 🙂
I love this guy StuPiddy. He has been calling Larry a fascist for a year because Larry, in the course of decrying the use of torture, said that a little sleep deprivation would be okay, but not waterboarding.
This now makes one a fascist. Technically, StuPiddy is correct that sleep deprivation is classified as torture. I think the point he is missing is that Larry was trying to make a concession to reality in the interests of making a convincing case. The kind of sleep deprivation that he thought would be ‘okay’ he likened to what all parents with newborns experience…and not of the days on end until you go insane variety which is clearly torture.
Nonetheless, it’s amusing to read the conspiratorial mind…
Markos and I were recruited by the CIA back in 2002 to set up this whole blogging thing.
You’re just a regular 007, aren’t you? 😉
Good morning all.
It appears it will be a nice day here today. Just drinking my first cup of coffee and waiting for he sun to rise.
We’re supposed to have a nice day here, too. We’re going up to Indy in a bit to do some family visiting.
Are you relative-free?
Hope you have a good day with your rels. Yep I’m rel free for a little while. I have a brother and his family coming up today, but they’ll be staying over at my sister’s house. Of course that didn’t stop FMom from going on about getting the house and lawn cleaned up yesterday. Around here, rels are a never ending cycle.
We shouldn’t let relatives rule our lives! Freedom now!
Okay now that I’ve done the rebellion thing, I need to get going.
Hope you have a very slackerly day.
Yep I agree. Have a good day with your rels. 🙂
See ya.
Good morning, FM and Andi!
Great weekend weather expected here as well.
Both asklets coming here today.
Morning ask.
Sounds like you have a full day ahead. Any special plans?
The kids’ school has a ‘college prep class’ for parents and kids this entire morning, 9-12.
Then brunch before heading back here – curly will come later. College research tonight.
That does sound really busy. Don’t know if I could take all that excitement. 🙂
I hope everything goes smoothly and just falls into place for ya’ll.
Have a great day with the kids.
And now I’m outta here.
It will be another nice day down here, but we still need a good bit of rain.
I saw the weirdest thing on TV yesterday. Usually local channels will put up a small box to give alerts, watches or warnings about bad weather. Yesterday I saw a box giving a warning about severe fire hazard for 4 or 5 counties including mine. However, the hazard expired at 6:00 pm. I’m still trying to figure that one out. I’ve never seen any warning like that.
Good morning, FM!
It feels like I overslept…
Yeah, that’s a bizarre warning. Apparently, fires only erupt daytime in these counties.
Yep I began to wonder if they knew about a bizarre solar flare that was going to only hit these counties.
How did the college stuff go yesterday?
Oldest asklet complained all morning – she knew it all from before, and would much prefer sleeping in. All her friends had the same attitude, but hey – what’s new. High school seniors DO know everything under the sun.
Yep they know everything, and will probably be that way until around their mid-30s. 🙂
How ya doing? I’m feeling very unambitious — sipping my coffee and waiting for the sun to rise feels pretty strenuous to me.
Good morning, Andi!
I was feeling unambitious too, as I waited for coffee to be ready – but then saw a news story in a Norwegian paper that compelled me to google a bit and do a brief entry.
I’m impressed — most of my communications before I’ve had a couple of cups of coffee run to the short and mono-syllabic.
Oh, I know – cup number two was being consumed as I wrote it.
I got started really early today, so I guess I in the barely ambitious mode.
Lovely picture Andi and how’re you doing SN.
nice picture
Good morning all. I’m done with my coffee so I’m good to go. Another cool beautiful day here. Slackin’ for sure.
Morning Boran.
Glad you’ve got a slack day today. I’ve gotten most of my stuff done today, so it’s a slackerly napping day for me.
Hay, FM. I’m only following your good example.
Hi boran, sadly, no slacking for me today. There’s a long list of errands…
Good morning Family Man, ask, Andi & Second Nature! Nice woodsy photo, Andi.
Hi all, and welcome from/to October.
Ah, spring in Tasmania. We’re having another cold/rainy/windy day, with brief periods of intense sunshine that fool you into thinking you can get something done outside.
Luna’s tucked up next to leeward side of the house and rides out all but the fiercest rainfall. During those periods she appears as a windblown mud-ball on the front porch asking to be let in (after extensive toweling off, of course).
Unfortunately the weather is keeping me from getting the water and electrical lines finished – at which point I can start closing up the trenches. And, the weather is supposed to stay this way through the end of the week. 🙁
We need the rain, but I’d be much happier if it came down properly and then cleared up for a few days. I get a bit stir-crazy being trapped inside the house.
During one of the sunny spells, I managed to squeeze in a walk with Luna, and took this photo of a young Pale Sundew (which is a carnivorous plant).
It currently about 3 1/2 inches tall and will be about three-times bigger when fully grown (I have tiny hands). At this size, it’s probably only catching gnats.
Evening, keres — sorry for your cabin fever. I hope you at least get a nice full pond out of it.
Morning to everyone else.
The pond is filling up nicely, and the ducks are the only happy critters.
Luna’s been in and out all day, as is evidenced by the muddy paw prints all over the house. From the sound of it, Albert is currently excavating his litter box. And I’m waiting for Imogen to get home from an evening meeting with the Tasmanian Greens. Sigh.
I should probably get a fire started before she gets here as it’s about 52F degrees inside the house and, unlike me, she doesn’t like wearing a coat in the house.
Oh, and remember how I said we didn’t have a dog/water interface on our property (except for puddles), well that’s not true after a rain. Then it becomes clear that all those gullies are actually stream beds.
It’s for days like today that we own rubber boots (or “wellies” as they are known here).
The shocking aspect of this pictures is that Luna is along side the water instead of in it. (In the other one, it sort of looks like she isn’t sure she trusts this wet stuff.)
That’s only because it was easiest for me to take the photos when Luna was being well behaved. There was plenty of walking and standing in the water. In fact, if there’s a choice between walking around water and walking through water, the latter wins most of the time.
I’d gladly trade our sunshine and warm weather for your cool and rain.
BTW, given all the work you do, I’m very impressed with your nice neat nails. 🙂
I’ve always been a bit obsessive about my nails. They get a trim or a file several times a week.
Plus, err . . . um . . ., neatly trimmed nails kinda a lesbian thing.
Hmmm. You learn something new every day here on BT. Evening keres and good morning to everyone else.
Good morning keres and Andi.
Nice pictures keres. I’ll take a little bit of your rain too if you don’t mind.
It looks as if Luna has more than enough mud to last her for awhile.
Andi, are you ready for another wonderful, er, workday. 🙂
Andi, are you ready for another wonderful, er, workday.
This has been today’s edition of simple answers to simple questions.
Aren’t you glad I have a simple mind so you don’t have to come up with complex answers. 😀
You’re full of snappy answers this morning. Hah, didn’t think I would figure that one out huh? Thank goodness for Google search. 🙂
FMom is up really early this am, and George wants to go out.
See ya’ll later.
keres: I hope you get a sunny day soon, it stinks to be cooped inside in the spring.
andif: I’m sorry it’s Monday too. We spent the weekend moving stuff around (exhausting), and still need to finish finding places for it (frustrating). At least it’s a short week. 🙂
FM: How can you be gone already? I just got here.
Good morning, everyone!
Busy morning/evening in the cafe today.
Great fall weather here.
Bye FM and keres.
I’ve just been out on my walk. It’s overcast, the air is crisp, and there’s a steady wind in the trees — perfect napping weather. Monday blecch redux.
I just reading the comments, it seems the cafe closes a little early. Hope everyone had a good day or will have good day..depending on when you read this post.
The cafe is mostly a morning place these days. But maybe if some night owls show up, the lounge will get going.
Good morning, Andi!
The mornings are getting way too dark.
Yeah, I really hate that we are going with DST for extra weeks. This is probably my last week for walking in the morning.
I forgot about the extra weeks of DST. When does it change this year?
It’s hard to get everyone up and out to the bus in the dark.
It changes on November 4. And by the time it changes, I expect the days will be dark even after the change. 🙁
Hi Andi and ask.
It was gorgeous day today, which of course meant I had appointments all day that took me away from home and the possibility of getting any work done here.
At least Luna and I had a lovely walk on Kingston beach, in the part designated as a dog exercise area. We played with two Dalmatians, a pointer, a pointer/Husky cross, a Golden Retriever, a German Shepard, and assorted small dogs. There was much wading. Also, we brought home enough sand for a small beach in the back seat of the car.
Yeah, get that work finished … because I want you to be able to work on the wiki bird page. 🙂
I tried to photograph a New Holland Honeyeater (that’s my photo on the left) at the nature walk by Kingston beach, but it was not cooperating (and Luna tugging on the leash wasn’t helping). Also not cooperating were two local species of butterfly, which were no shows.
They look pretty cool. I like the little bit of yellow on the wings.
They’re certainly noticeable, with their flashy black and white stripes and bright yellow patches.
We’ve got a resident Yellow -Throated Honeyeater (all the photos are mine) that is fairly aggressive with all of it’s nectar feeding competitors. Which means we rarely see the New Holland, the Crescent Honeyeater, or the Eastern Spinebill. Or, more to the point, we see the Yellow-throated chasing them off.
Nice pics. Maybe you could distract them with some bird feed so you could get the new holland.
Good morning all.
Slept late today. It actually feels a little chilly outside at 55 today.
Yay for chilly! Morning, FM…perfect weather for yardwork, eh?
Morning SN.
No weather is perfect yardwork weather. Have ya’ll started cooling down any?
Beautiful picture above. I guess soon winter will be here to help un-green everything.
So, besides work, do you have anything special going on today?
Thanks, FM.
As far what’s dong — same old, same old.
As far what’s dong — same old, same old.
I will not make a dirty joke of this, I will not! 😉
I’m sure there’s a deep psychological reason for that typo. As for making the joke — hey, go for it (in all senses of the phrase)!
Gawd…don’t you get crazy-bored of the same old dong?
Oh, here’s a picture of one of the orchids I mentioned the other day.
Black-stripe Greenhood Orchid. It’s black-striped yellow “tongue” is tucked up inside because the wind and rain are jostling them about. They are much smaller than in the photo.
I couldn’t find the other species to photograph. I’d only seen one Pink Fingers Orchid up the other day, and I think it’s since been eaten. There should be more of them soon.
Hi Andi and FM.
Three guesses as to today’s weather. If you answered “cold, windy and rainy” – you are correct!
The crazy alpacas refuse to use their shelters, so every time I go to feed them or check on them I have to slog through the horizontal rain to wherever they’ve decided to cush down. Rotten creatures.
Other than that, there’s not much interesting to report.
Evening keres.
Well I’ll bet alpacas have had to deal with some spectacularly bad weather in the Andes so I’d say that evolutionarily speaking Tasmanian weather must be a piece of cake for them.
I know. I know. I think about the Alta Plano and it’s wildly swinging day and night temps and I’m sure our weather is a joke by comparison. Unfortunately, I’m not an Inca and similarly adapted.
Luna is asleep on the couch and Albert is digging in his box – the usual evening activities.
You ought to be bury something interesting in Albert’s box some time just to surprise him (a prize in every box!)
I think I would have to have a stern talking to with those crazy alpacas. I wonder if they take bets on how pissed they can make you by moving. 🙂
We’re predicted to get rain today, but I’ve found over the years, you can’t depend all the time on what The Weather Channel says.
And the answer is yes. I’ll take some of your “cold, windy and rainy” weather.
I wish I could send you some rain.
On the plus side, this is the typical weather for this time of year. And, with any lucky, this means we’re back on track for our normal weather patterns.
I could wish for a hurricaine to bring the rain, but I wouldn’t want to scare the natives around here. Plus I wouldn’t want to be showing off by diverting a hurricaine this way. 🙂
I think The Crazy Alpacas is a marvelous name for a band. I’m going to start one immediately. Where is my nose ukulele…..
It’s hump day!!!!
And my week is flying by so fast, I’m stressing out about getting everything done this week…and then there’s the furniture cleaning people coming, orthodontist appointment for CBtY, guitar lesson for CBtE- and that’s just today. How do people go in to work at the office and still get everything done?
It’s difficult, take it from me. There are days I can hardly get my nails done.
Hey, no snark before I’ve had my coffee…
Morning CG.
A snark by any other name…….
Get that coffee CG.
Good morning, ‘guys and gals’!
Blessed are the mornings with sleep past 7.
Isn’t that one of the Beatitudes along with “blessed are the ones who get up to make the coffee, for they shall find true happiness”?
Had to make my own, though…
Still happiness?
Ah Grasshopper…happiness is in our own hands. And I didn’t mean that in a dirty way…honestly.
Good morning ask and SN.
Of course SN, we know you didn’t mean that in a dirty way. Yeah sure. 😉
Nothing better than a little belly laugh early morning.