God’s Jury
Remember how people either didn’t understand the big deal about having a “10 commandments” monument outside of a courthouse, and how even some Democrats thought the objections to such displays might be a just a...
Read MorePosted by TerranceDC | Sep 16, 2007 |
Remember how people either didn’t understand the big deal about having a “10 commandments” monument outside of a courthouse, and how even some Democrats thought the objections to such displays might be a just a...
Read MorePosted by pygalgia | Sep 16, 2007 |
Last night I flat out had fun while working toward a “better” Democrat. The event was “Rock the Peaks” for congressional candidate Howard Shanker (http://www.howardshankerforcongress.com/...
Read MorePosted by Steven D | Sep 16, 2007 |
A run on a bank by its depositors? That’s the sort of thing that hasn’t happened since the Great Depression, right? Well, it’s happening right now in the United Kingdom to a bank, Northern Rock, whose business...
Read MorePosted by Intrepid Liberal Journal | Sep 16, 2007 |
The topic below was originally posted on my blog, the Intrepid Liberal Journal as well as the Independent Bloggers Alliance, The Peace Tree and Worldwide Sawdust. Alan Greenspan belongs to the Club of Emasculated Moderate Elites...
Read MorePosted by btchakir | Sep 16, 2007 |
I am getting more and more frustrated listening to Republicans and other war supporters (like the folks making those atrocious pro-war TV commercials) saying we have to stay in Iraq until we “win”. They say that to...
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