good round-up to get us to where we are today

I want to say this one thing before we go further into the abyss of the American politics of today.  This is why I just can’t and won’t sit by silently to watch Mrs. Clinton take the helm of our national politics.  They swing from the calm to the ridiculous of our national politics.  

At the end of this next presentation, there are some very important questions we all have to face if we have to think clearly into the political world of which we are to guarantee our votes as being important and our right as Americans.

(follow below the fold)
Read what Robert Perry has to say and tell me that he is not the best to give us a run down on the old story and/or the rest of the story, as it my very well be.

I truly enjoyed the review. Ask yourselves if you can answer the questions here and enjoy the debate before we do vote for a new president of our country.

Thank you all here for giving me food for thought and for a place to exercise my 1st amendment rights.  

Also, I have wondered for a very long time why the Clinton’s and the Bush’s can socialize and still not have any bitterness towards each other.

I, for the life of me, can not understand why the Clinton’s allowed the reputation of their name be scrawled to this degree and still can political get along with the republicans who some are still sitting senators and congressmen/women to destroy our nation!

After the first initial evidence that the republicans were out after blood in ’92-94, and to allow Newt the Grinch destroy our republic the way he did and not allow our voice for other sides of the pendulum come forth is such a travesty.  I can see the hypocrisy that now has invaded our national capital and such rhetoric has fallen on/over it.  With such a history as we have had, and the investigation of the Iran-Contra affair and things before this, that we must clears up the missing history for us to become very clear of what has happened to ur nation as a whole, as it stands today.  This is such a same that we can not get the right answers to the questions of why we can not impeach today or investigations that really matter by the democrats, for that matter.  They are bogged down in their own history that will tell the tales of hypocrisy.  Such a shame!

Author: BrendaStewart

vet of Navy and USAF,nurse in hemodialysis,acute setting mother of 3