Stephen Moore, writing in the Wall Street Journal, discovers that people actually kind of hate Republicans and don’t buy their empty rhetoric about tax cuts.
A few weeks ago Republican leaders gathered on Capitol Hill to hear from their top pollsters and pundits about how they can win back the votes of independent voters. Some of the attendees are still in a state of cardiac arrest over what they learned.
America’s swing voters, especially the suburban “security moms,” who abandoned the GOP in droves in 2006 still hold Republicans in very low regard. What has party tacticians especially spooked is that these independents are apparently not much attracted to what the Republicans are saying about taxes. That’s a bitter pill for party leaders to swallow, because for 25 years the anti-tax banner has been a political trump card for conservative candidates. A top strategist at the Republican National Committee who attended the meeting told me: “Our tax message has worn thin.”
That people don’t take Republican messaging seriously anymore doesn’t mean that they are suddenly willing to pay more in taxes. What offends them is the suggestion that Bush’s tax cuts have helped the economy.
First, the not-so-good news for the GOP. Most voters are unpersuaded by the Republican message that the Bush tax cuts were a resounding success that pumped the economy back to life. Worse, the key independent voters are actually repelled by that message. “It crashes like the Hindenburg,” says Richard Thau, who has been monitoring swing voter sentiments across the nation. Why? Because politicians who boast about the rosy economy seem out of touch, even delusional, given the rising costs of gasoline, health insurance and college tuition.
The GOP will run on taxes…they always do. Their challenge is to do it without crashing like the Hindenburg. And that means they must confuse people.
One strong defense mechanism against the left’s class warfare tax policy is that roughly half of voters are convinced that when politicians say they are only going to soak the rich, they fear their own tax bills will go up.
Beside lying to the voters the GOP has another trump card…one they have been working on tirelessly.
There is another GOP imperative: The anti-tax message must be linked to wasteful government spending. “There’s no question that for seven out of 10 American voters, wasteful government spending is one of the largest problems in Washington,” says pollster Tony Fabrizio. “For many of these voters it’s a bigger issue than taxes.” All of the polling consistently finds that voters believe about 40 cents of every dollar spent by Washington is wasted. So this widespread aversion to the way government mishandles money may be the best shield against tax hikes–at all levels of government.
In Mr. Winston’s survey, 75% of respondents agreed that, “Taxes should not be increased as long as Congress continues to waste the tax money it already receives.” Only 23% did not.
This is the Katrina theory of government. Make sure to run up huge deficits paying for stuff people don’t need like war and bridges to nowhere. When people complain, point to the incompetence and waste in Washington and say that the government gets too much money from the taxpayers.
For the rest of their votes they’ll pretend to be a party of traditional values rather a party of pederasts, perverts, and crooks.
This time, I don’t think the electorate is going to buy it.
The Democrats need to be aware of the tax-the-rich problem, even though I certainly agree that it will be less effective this time around than in the past. I don’t have the exact data handy, but there was a poll/study not that long ago (probably mentioned right here on boomantribune) showing that a huge fraction of the electorate thinks it is in the top 10% or 1% income-wise, and therefore thinks that they will be hit when the Democrats talk about raising taxes on only some small fraction at the top. The Democrats need to heed this and talk about specific income levels, not about percentages of the population.
What can be more wasteful than war?
The reasons which started it all.
I hope to hell it’s sinking in to voters that the rethugs are NOT fiscally conservative after all….reagan and bush daddy screwed things up with their Star Wars spending and other crap and it took Clinton to come in and try and get the national debt under control..anyone remember the ticker of national debt interest in Times Square? Or Gore’s Hot Line on waste-nice pr and actually saved the taxpayers some money. (the Pentagon at that time could only not account for about 66 Billion-ha- nothing compared to the over TRILLION it now can’t account for)
And now we’ve got this insane bunch in office making daddy bush and reagan look like pikers AND we have not a damn thing to show for it, absolutely nothing.
If the democrats are smart(which to date they haven’t shown much smarts)they will really harp on ‘tax/spend’ repbulicans and reinvent themselves as fiscally responsible-it shouldn’t be that hard to do. Sell rebuilding the infrastructure as a fiscally responsible thing to do while creating maybe millions of jobs. Just keep repeating this over/over and it might become the accepted fact.
Of course it would help if Dems quit trying to outdo the Reps in anti-tax rhetoric. Here in Illinois we have an idiot Dem governor who is letting the infrastructure and schools crash and burn because he doesn’t want to raise taxes or reform the insanely regressive system we have now.
It isn’t enough to tweak tax levels. We need Dems with the guts and brains to take up the class warfare the right started. But of course they’re as dependent for money on the takeover crooks and paper shufflers as the other side.
not with interstate highway bridges falling into rivers in the GOP convention city…
of course wasting money in Iraq is okay, cause it’s being wasted for ‘patriotic’ reasons
Patriots can waste money, you liberals, and hippies, and blacks, and gays, etc, etc may not!
And be sure to wear your little flag lapel pin so we know who the real patriots are right.. I are Patriotic with a capitol P cause I are wearing a flag pin.
Yep, John Prine said it quite well the last time around.
ya think?
can’t imagine why.
they, the RATpublicans, have rolled back the economic disparity of the have mores and have knots, in their stomachs trying to survive, in this country to the glorious times of the gilded age.
the robber barons and their sycophants are in charge, and charging forward.
pray tell….or should that be prey…how, when a mediocre rise in employment numbers…below the threshold required just to keep up with population growth, btw…is heralded as good news and the stock markets are rallying in the face of the housing bubble, record numbers of foreclosures, and continued marginalization of what’s left of the middle class…anyone would be surprised at this?
[oh yeah, the infamous bankruptcy bill from a couple of years ago…silly me, you’re never off the hook.]
maybe all those soccer/security moms, mindless yuppies, and leftover angry white men will remember this the next time someone changes the subject to lapel pins…as well as at the ballot box.
WAKE THE FUCK UP! to quote AG.
Hate Republicans, well yes, stab them in the left eye with an icepick type of hate.
I am from Boston and now matter how much money and high technology you throw at a project(the Big Dig) what you end up with is falling ceiling cement and extra large tunnel sump pumps.
My assesment and blame for the coming Apocalypse though is bi-partisan. No impeachment and Pelosi endorsing Bush’s war on terror with HR 1. Oh, and three most excellent videos on the subject that started it all are downloadable here.
Instead of voting the plan includes survialist planning and emmigration research. You guys who have a sort of financial vested interest, feel free to stick around.
Many “messages” of corpo-media are wearing thin.