Maybe it might be a good idea to have the lights work when you play baseball at night. The folks that run Coors field might consider it. The wrong team has so far won every single playoff game. It’s irritating.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The wrong team? tsk tsk tsk.
Chief Wahoo can bite me.
i think he already did, BooMan.
We’re having a little wind, and Excel energy gets to advertise its competency.
All the time I was growing up here in Colorado (an early memory is the Broncos beating the Dallas Cowboys to go to the Superbowl) my Dad wanted a baseball team. He was thrilled when the Rockies came, and remained steadfast even in defeat.
Last month someone took away the Rockies and replaced ’em with these guys. No one can figure it out.
I’m happy for Dad, though.
growing up in aurora, some of my fondest memories was watching the denver bears, triple a club, at mile high stadium. those were some great summer nights.
rockies? eh. i can take them or leave them. if they make it all the way, i’ll be rooting for them. if not, no sweat off my brow.
meanwhile, this is all very interesting, but it’s no boogie nights – the star wars edition.
(scroll down. but the first entry, alec baldwin phones his toddler, is very funny, too!)
Dad wanted a major league team.
This is the first baseball game I’ve watched and I have a question:
Is is really a sport if you can do it chewing gum?
the lights went out on the phillies tonight…really good game! arizona, here we come!
and yes tehanu, in baseball, chewing gum is ok….among other things…:{)
classic george carlin:
gotta get back to enjoying this….
Trouble sleeping tonight for some reason. As long as I’m awake, I thought I’d go ahead and share this link, which I found just before turning in a few hours ago. It’s “God” at the computer keyboard, typing in creation commands. I thought it was kind of funny–especially the failed attempts to “delete free will”.