Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson is getting kind of shrill:
“My proposal on torture is serious,” Robinson wrote on a washingtonpost.com discussion board Sunday. “Let me know if you agree: Bush administration officials who claim the “harsh” interrogation techniques being used on terrorism suspects are not torture should have to undergo those same techniques. Personally. Repeatedly.”
The New York Times revealed last week that secret Justice Department documents explicitly authorized “a combination of painful physical and psychological tactics, including head-slapping, simulated drowning and frigid temperatures.” Bush repeated denials that the US does not torture prisoners, although he has not discussed what specific tactics are used.
“Clearly, he is using a narrow definition of torture: If we haven’t actually put anybody on the rack or pulled out his fingernails, we haven’t committed torture,” Robinson writes. “Until George W. Bush can say, ‘Hey, I’ve been waterboarded, and it wasn’t so bad,’ or Alberto Gonzales can say, ‘To tell the truth, spending those three days naked in a freezing-cold cell wasn’t painful or anything,’ then I’ll continue to believe that history will condemn this administration for a shocking lapse of moral judgment. Bush will be remembered as the president who tried to justify torture.”
Actually, he will be remembered as the president that did torture people…And as the president that got over half a million people killed for no good reason.
I think that Bush and most of his administration will have a hard time traveling the globe unfettered by justice officials or national police of the various nations they visit.
Keeping a good thought.
They don’t generally WANT to travel anyway. Everything worth having is right here at home. Everything overseas is … well, there are dark people there who speak funny languages and don’t know their place, and they’re all thieves and commies and terraists anyway.
But what do I know, I’m just one of them liberal media people….
The Daily Howler “http://www.dailyhowler.com“ is a great source for putting this into a long perspective. Every time I see a mention of Edwards’ haircut, I think of the sliming of Al Gore, and the sliming-to-come of Hillary Clinton.
What can be done to stop these false journalists? About 20 of them, accountable to no-one, will select our next president, if we don’t do something.
Whoop-de-fucking-do. Like this means anything at all. So another beltway douchebag sees some light and changes brands. So what… Next!
Frankly, I want tribunals right now going on in The Hague, or better yet, Philadelphia. We should be able to take care of our own.
I thing there is enough circumstantial and/or prima facae evidence to get something moving, politics and Pelosi be damned (and I voted for her – please forgive me)…
this is shrill. pj fan, john cole…a staaaaaaaaunch conservative, btw:
priceless!…next thing you know, he’ll be calling for impeachment…
buh bye RATpugs….yer toast
‘shocking lapse of moral judgement’. He’s kidding, right??? These folks have shown in their words and actions that they have no morals. Never did.