If anyone misses albert and wonders what he is up to, he’s getting his photography published. Which is very cool. He’s a great photographer.

Meanwhile, another Philly blogger, Noz point us to a very useful website.

Mithras ponders stupid motivational slogans.

Sometimes I worry that Richard Blair is going to get so outraged that he springs a leak.

When Susie talks horoscopes I have no idea what she means. But, she may have found the final undoing of Karl Rove.

Brendan says it costs $63 bucks to send Chutes and Ladders to Canada. That’s ridiculous.

I just wanted to add one note here. I have noticed a recent change in the type of hate/fan mail I get. I’d say that 40% of the grammatical errors I make result in an email telling me either, “I love your site, but for the love of God please don’t use x when you should clearly use y“, or “the fact that you used x instead of y clearly indicates that you are a terminal liberal fucktard.” My response? It’s a frigging blog. You think I proofread before I post? At least I go back and correct my spelling errors and fill in the missing words I always drop. All you people which give me a hard time about my grammar can keep it yourselves.

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