A supervisor with CPS Energy (San Antonio public utility) displays a hangman’s noose over two separated bibles — a symbol of white supremacy — in his cubicle at the downtown office. Photo here. Management has not responded to numerous complaints about it.
Almost as incredible is the fact that the CEO of CPS Energy, “the nation’s largest municipally-owned energy company providing both natural gas and electric service”, is an African-American, as is the chief administrative officer.
With everything that’s been in the news of late regarding nooses …
KSAT (TV-12) did a report on last night’s newscast and there is video also at the link.
I followed the photo link..pretty unbelievable that nothing has been done so far. Also followed a link concerning good old boy George Allen. I didn’t know that he had kept a noose in his office and also at his home with a confederate flag..he said the nooses were just part of his cowboy image, yeah right. And I see Fred Thompson has hired Allen to help with his campaign-which no doubt tells us where Thompson’s values are at.
hi Chocolate Ink,
you would think that no one would want to touch George Allen with a ten foot pole after what got revealed about him last year and how badly he flamed out in the election, but I guess it just goes to show how absolutely regressive and obnoxiously arrogant republicans can be. The worst part is that they’ve been so sucessful with it and that doesn’t happen by itself.
Hi super, I have to admit even as cynical as I’ve become the hiring of Allen took me a bit by surprise. You’d think I’d know by now to never underestimate all those sick puppies who call themselves republicans. I read Lynn Cheney is on aboard with Thompson also. Thompson seems dumb as a post so I’m thinking the Cheney’s would like him to win and then they could keep control of the WH…working behind the scenes as usual.
skippy reports on a number of noose sightings around the country.
Do we have a list of the CPS Board?
Members of the Board of Trustees, bios, relevant data as to their selection:
Note: They are also building a new coal fired power plant. Good ole Zachry Construction is the contractor:
“J. K. Spruce Power Plant
Unit 2
CPS Energy has begun construction of a state-of-the-art, coal-fired power plant on Calaveras Lake. Unit 2 of the J. K. Spruce Power Plant will be built adjacent to three existing coal units. At 750 megawatts, Spruce 2 will be the largest of the coal units at Calaveras Lake, and it will be equipped with the best-available emissions-control technology, said Jim Nesrsta, CPS Energy’s director of the Spruce 2 Project.
Calaveras Power Partners (CPP), a team led by Zachry Construction Corp., of San Antonio, has already begun site preparation for the project that is expected to employ a skilled workforce of about 900 people during the four-year construction process and to cost several hundred million dollars.”
Spokesperson Paula Gold-Williams called the display “benign”, that it had been displayed for ten years, and that one of the “bibles” was actually a dictionary.
She would not comment on the employment status of the supervisor.
Report with video:
Includes some comments from this morning’s presser from labor attorney David Van Os, who was the 2006 Democratic candidate for Texas Attorney General.
Benign? Maybe she should look up benign in the dictionary-one of those bible dictionaries. So that’s the best excuse they could come up with-that’s almost insulting.
No kidding. On what planet is displaying a noose in one’s office benign? Forget for a moment the racial significance. It’s on a par with displaying firearms and knives. It’s something you just don’t do unless you are — to borrow BostonJoe’s term — batshit loopy.
The thing that’s really insulting is that in all the offices I’ve worked in, people have frequently been asked to remove some genuinely benign piece of personal decor at one time or another for the flimsiest or most absurd of reasons. The reluctance of management to remove something obviously inappropriate, even if you choose to ignore the historical symbolism, can only indicate their enthusiastic support for the message that it sends.