I’ll ask you to do this once, and then I advise that you never do it again. Go look at Mark Halperin’s new political roundup blog, The Page. By my count he has only one link to a political story about policy. That one link discusses Fred Thompson’s plan to cut Social Security benefits. Halperin used to be the political director at ABC News where he created The Note.
Begun as an internal staff e-mail by then Political Director Mark Halperin, it was first published on January 14, 2002 and quickly became a must-read daily compendium of political news and analysis for the chattering classes. The Note is now edited by Senior Political Reporter Rick Klein.
The Page follows the same format. It’s all horserace, no substance. It represents just about everything that is wrong with Beltway journalism. We are treated to stories about how Hillary Clinton is a “control freak” whose campaign is “joyless, humorless and lacking in heart and soul.” Nonetheless, they don’t fail to mention her poll numbers in New Hampshire. We learn that Guiliani is doing an interview with Sean Hannity and that his former Deputy Mayors will be doing some prebuttal spin to an attack Fred Thompson plans to make on his Republican credentials. You’ll also learn that Guiliani leads the GOP pack in raising cash and that we are prepared for an attack from outer space. Want to know about union endorsements? They’ve got that. Did you know that Ron Paul is eccentric? You did? Well, that’s about all you’ll know about him or his policies if you rely on The Page. Maybe your biggest concern is the primary calendar…I know I can’t get enought of those stories. This is the kind of crap that passes for ‘essential’ reading among Beltway wankers. Not one word about Iraq.
Let’s take a look at the front-page of the New York Times. The Chinese Communist Party is opposed to liberalizing reforms, Vladimir Putin is headed for Iran, Jihadists are disseminating English language propaganda, America Online is going to lay-off a fifth of their work force, and there is a discussion of political strategy over the SCHIP bill.
The amazing thing is that Mark Halperin isn’t ashamed of himself and Mike Allen isn’t embarrassed to pimp this new site to his equally pathetic readers.
How many pimps does it take to screw in a light bulb?
I don’t have an answer but the list is getting big!
Also, take a look at their…well…you can’t call it a blogroll…
take a look at their Wankroll.
Well, at least all the traditional media will now have a single source for all things important with which to swamp the gullible public so they can be up to speed on what is really important and which needs their undivided attention going into this election cycle.
What………..no mention of $400 haircuts at The Page???? They must be real live journamilist’s there, huh??
He has the MOONIES on his blogroll?
No, I won’t go to your suggested website. I hope I never do.
Impeach. Then throw the rest in of the traitors in prison.
Unsurprisingly, Joe Klein pimps for Halperin.
Not surprisingly, as seeding matrices for fungal Republican smear jobs become more vulnerable to disinfectting sunlight, new ones have to be created to keep up the sham.
Halperin is like a Johnny Appleseed, except his product is wormy, sour and people are naturally, instinctively, rightly disinclined to touch it.
Halperin’s fellow asshole court scribe cronies wouldn’t touch it either, except they have so mich riding on their willingness to pretend it’s the most delicious gossip they ever tasted since the last foul batch. (Yeah, we really need more of this type of “journalizzm.”)
Whether they do it because they’re incompetent, deluded or just pathetic ass-kissing hacks is open to interpretation. The only mystery is why they scramble over each other for the “access” and honor of stegaphoning crap the One Party thugs actually want out there anyway. Didn’t any of the camp followers read Tom Sawyer (or Huck Finn?)
Oh wait … I keep forgetting the bimbos I’m referring to.
Nauseating first chapter of The Fix is available online, here.