Well, I’ll be a monkey’s cousin:
In an interview on MSNBC Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Cheney said that in the course of researching her husband’s genealogy for her new book, “Blue Skies, No Fences,” she discovered that the two public figures share an ancestor eight generations ago.
“Think about this,” Mrs. Cheney said. “This is such an amazing American story that one ancestor, a man that came to Maryland, could be responsible down the family line for lives that have taken such different and varied paths as Dick’s and Barack Obama’s.”
But is blood thicker than the partisan waters of Washington? Apparently not.
Even though Obama is related to her husband, Mrs. Cheney said she is not supporting the Illinois Democrat’s White House bid.
Reacting to the news, Obama’s campaign spokesman Bill Burton told CNN’s Dana Bash with tongue in cheek, “Obviously, Dick Cheney is sort of the black sheep of the family.”
But Obama’s family ties to the Bush administration don’t stop with Cheney. According to an article in the Chicago Sun-Times last September, Obama is also an 11th cousin of the president himself. The two share a 17th century Massachusetts relative.
I am related to three people that came over on the Mayflower, including the one that fell off in transit and had to be rescued. So, I am probably related to all these a-holes too.
Come on. A lot of geneology is uncertain at best. There’s an old saying: It’s the mother’s baby, it’s the father’s maybe.
When you start going back hundreds of years, the odds that some guy jumped over the back fence at some point become pretty good.
It may be an old saying, but DNA evidence shows fewer unexpected fathers than one might predict
And there’s another saying: Don’t shake the family tree to hard, because you never know what will fall out. It’s said about those people in this country who think they are 100% “pure” white, black, whatever.
Actually there’s another version of that saying which has more bite, but I won’t go there.
Not sure where Evilynn was going with this one and why, but if nothing else, it shows that God has a sense of humor. Maybe she can make it “safe” for Thomas Jefferson’s descendants to embrace their Black cousins. Heh.
And loved the campaign’s comeback about black sheep. Priceless!
lynn the crow just wants to make me want to pukkkkeeee! I know this is not my kind of language here, but this is just how it makes me feel..not just the passage but the one who is producing it that makes my uvula quiver with the natural stimulus to do what is obvious.
Having no family in the US before 1900, I can safely say: pfffffffffft to Cheney et al. Of course I’m probably related to Hitler or somethin’.
obama and cheney at a
family reunion
And most of mine were just minding the shtetl over in Russia.
Well shit Boo, we’re probably cousins then. :>)
My 9th great grandfather was John Alden (who married Priscilla) on my mother’s side and came over on the mayflower. My father’s side came over a few generations later. I wonder sometimes how many generations have to happen before my heritage is considered “American”, rather that British or Welsh.
If I’m related to Cheney, I may just have to kill myself.
oh…you’re related to him. We’re all related to him.
I’m sharpening my blades then. :>)
fuck the bitch. Who give a shit Boo! Three days to SCHIP! FISA coming up! Iran ranting building! OIL at 88.00 a barrel! And we are wondering about the sluts history. for crying out LOUD! PRIORITIES!!!!!!!!
A revolution without a bit of twisted humor and geneology is a revolution not worth having.
Obama related to Cheney? Another reason to vote for Edwards.
About the only candidate not known to be related to all the rest is that good 100% racially American, Tom Tancredo.
(Georgie and Big Dick are my eleventh cousins. And about fifty million other people in America, too.)