Dog amongst the blooming dogwoods.
Australia’s dogwood trees are not related to the American dogwood trees (from the genus Cornus), and some are not even related to each other. Most of them got their common name due to their abundance of flowers.
We have lots of Yellow dogwoods, Pomaderris elliptica. They’re very late in flowering this year, but better late than never.
Hiya keres.
Luna appears to be sniffing the greenery and enjoying her walk. However, I don’t see any mud puddles for her to roll around in. 🙂
Lucky for her, there’s still plenty of dead things that I miss – until it’s too late. Then there’s the alpaca poop piles. Never a dull moment, if you are a dog.
that forgot something . . .
That’s really pretty. I like the red and white stripes on the inside.
Nice name too.
The name suits them a bit better when they are actually pink.
They run the gamut from pale pink to bright fuscia, but some of them don’t even bother at all – and are pure white.
Here’s one next to the tip of my pinky finger, for scale.
wow … 🙂
Click image for larger version
Sniff and Giddy wait for the slow folks.
Click image for larger version
One of the slow folks.
Sniff and Giddy are very polite dogs.
I’m always amazed at how your woods are so “orderly-looking”, with so many straight trunked trees and open understory, compared to our rightly named “bush”.
Of course, it’s the disorderly understory that makes our bush so fascinating to me. Yesterday Luna and I waited for Imogen to get home before going for our walk. Imogen bush-wacked off the path for a bit and found a whole new patch of Nodding Greenhood orchids.
There are plenty of disorderly looking spots — lots of vines, downed branches and trees, greenbriers — but I admit that I don’t take many pictures of that aspect of the woods. But straight trunks are pretty much the norm — with a canopy as thick as this, the trees need to get up high fast. In fact, one way to spot an old homesite is the presence of big, spreading trees.
Of course, we don’t have anything like the abundance and variety of plant life you have there.
Where the eucalypts are dense, we get the same “straight up towards the light” pattern. But our property is so rolling and rocky that there are few stands of pure eucalyptus trees. So there’s not so much canopy and lots of smaller trees, like the Silver Wattles and the Yellow Dogwoods fill in. And in the riparian and shaded areas there are lots of ferns and scrub. The incredable variety of micro-habitat was what made us fall in love with the place.
Old home sites here are surrounded by large pines, most Macrocarpas. The English found the trees here too foreign and brought lots of plants from Europe to make themselves feel more at home – understandable at the time, but now they’ve become pest species.
It’s another blustery day here, as is evidenced by my view of Luna squinting into the wind.
That sounds really appealing — and looks it as well as evidenced by all your wonderful photos.
Wind’s been blowing here too — while we were out walking at noon we were showered with pine needles.
That is so cute. Love the bottom one.
Actually it’s being socially engineered so we don’t.
Before you put your tin foil hats on Bohemian Grove is a real place and many accounts have come out about a Cremation of Care ceremony that kicks off each summer’s events.
Now, I don’t care about the religious stuff but the 911 part I found excellent. Sums up my MIHOP beliefs totally.
Also this morning we have Ellen Degeneres and the dog Nazis at Mutts & Moms. It’s kind of like the Stanford Prison experiement. Armed with “policy” they empower themselves with absolute power over others, it is purposefully becoming institutionalized into American society.
There is even a website
The desire for “Power Over” others is always a temptation in humans. What I see happening right now is that the bullies at the top have so solidified their position that “might makes right”, that it leaves the door open for even non-bullies to engage in similar behavior.
But more than that, what Al Gore calls the “attack on reason” I think is actually an “attack on nuance”. The vast majority of adults are not abstract thinkers. They see things in relatively stark terms. They are reassured by rules and clear guidelines. This is not to put people down for this kind of thinking, it’s simply a recognition of how most people think. I come from a family full of concrete thinkers, and they are not all stupid.
I’ve also worked with a lot of people who passionately volunteer their time to placing animals in good homes. The requirement that an animal be returned to them if it doesn’t work out with the adopter is a good one. Ellen’s problem, is that she missed that “fine print”. Mutts and Mom’s problem was that they took the letter of their regulation more seriously than its “spirit” – which was to look-out for the animal’s best interest.
Unfortunately, the more control the ruling class exerts on the rest of us, the more we will try to feel in control in own little spheres of influence. Which is why I counsel people I know to respond empathetically, even to people who seemingly lack empathy themselves. If people are already feeling squeezed, more pressure certainly won’t help them act more sensibly.
I’ve seen enough of Ellen’s comedy to know that she is a very nuanced person. However, her emotions clearly got the better of her when she went public on her show with her appeal. Too many of her audience clearly are not nuanced thinkers and needed to “take side” with her “tribe” – and as a consequence, have been truly horrible to this volunteer organization. I suspect that Ellen has learned a valuable lesson in the power of the Bully-pulpit, and will use it more wisely in the future.
Family Man, would you please tell me the code for posting pics and links? I’ve looked around, but I can’t find it. I promise to write it down! :>)
In the meantime, nothing like a hanging monkey:
You’re almost there. Take the link that you’ve posted above and add the following code like this:
img src=”your link here”
Now put that whole thing inside < > brackets and post.
Hi keres and Kamakhya.
keres I could have used that in the Wed. Welcome Wagon. I haven’t posted a picture in so long, it took me 15 minutes to find the code, and then figure out how to do it.
I like that picture Kamakhya.
Thank you so very much. That is just what I was looking for. I knew it was a simple code, but all the ones I found were much more convoluted.
When I try to link at Imageshack to a pic I get a
Post Failed
Attribute TARGET for tag A is not allowed.
Did you see keres comment up thread about….
img src=”your link here”
Now put that whole thing inside < > brackets and post.
You don’t need an <a href=
Ya, I saw that post, which is what gave me hope to be able to figure it out.
I do all that and I get
Attribute TARGET for tag IMG is not allowed
No opening tag found for closing tag A
Thanks though
What’s funny is it is obviously linking to my pic because it shows it.
I don’t use flicker, so I don’t know how they give the codes. Could you get the code you use and post it, and I’ll try to help out and see if we can get your picture posted.
< img src=”“ >
Ok I’ve got it figured out. You were using the first part of the whole code. The above is what you need to use. Just close in the arrows.
When you go back and look at the code, you’ll see the part I used.
BTW very pretty bird.
Wait, I can just try it with your super cool pick:

Dang it…:>(
use the “Direct Link” at the bottom of the link page: here’s the code: with reduced width so l don’t blow this thread:
< img width=150 src= >
close brackets, get this:
good luck
or just delete the “target=”_blank”
good luck
dada you are the wizard. I didn’t go down far enough to see the direct link. I was trying to explain it by using the thumbnail. Duh. 🙂
thx fm…twern’t nuttin’
here’s a great ref for pics that olivia, me, et al put together for fOtofair last year…ya should bookmark it, or hotlist it…lot’s a good stuff for all the major hosting sites.
it’s beer:30
I had that bookmarked from last year, but somehow lost it. Thanks, bookmarked again.
Enjoy the beer.
I think the trick is to use the simple link at the bottom of the page and then put it in the img src <> doohickeys. :>)
I’ll give it a go when I get home tonight if I can find a good picture.
You’re right. Looking forward to the pictures.
the link prob looks like this: [note this is from a photobucket link]
…jpg “target=”_blank”>
just delete the bolded part and it should work.
also if the pic is larger than 400px [which is max for new comment w/out cooking the margins] wide, use this code to start:
< img width=400 src= url >
close brackets
good luck
Thanks everyone! I am pretty thoughly confused now. I think I will stick with links for now.
The bird is my bud, had him going on 24 years now (maybe more).
Tip; when an amazon spreads his tail and turns his head like that, DON’T TOUCH!
24 years is a long time. Sounds like a good bud.
When I first came here, I didn’t know a thing about codes, posting pictures or anything for that matter. There are a lot of nice people here who are always willing to help. Play around with the pictures and code for awhile. Just give out a yell whenever you need help.
My wife goes in a more traditional way. This is one of hers posing for the camera man.
OMG it worked!!!
THANKS Family and Dada!
That’s the greatest look on the cats face, and you got your buds picture posted. Good for you nalbar.
OMG….I so can’t compete with that!!!
Here is a pic of my cyberkitty Loki:
Please work. :>)
wow…that so didn’t work.
Just leave it to me to fuck up the most basic thing.
The link was this:
what happened?
Been a long time since I’ve seen you … let me take a look.
My favorite flower;
I kinda like this posting pics stuff.
Looks like you’ve got it now nalbar … 🙂
The photo’s displaying, right … 🙂 … it’s just that the photo is a big one. So, what you need to do is limit the size of the photo. You do this by adding a wee bit more code, which data mentioned above … like so:
The code for that ^ looks like this:
< img width=”400″ src=”“ >
Remember to remove the spaces around the angle brackets (< >) so it’s all snug … And preview … voila!
that would be dada … sorry d! lol
And Loki is a pretty kitty!
Thanks! How do I know a pic will be too big before I post it? Is there some indication that I should look for? It looks normal on my end, so I know I am missing something.
I am so going to bookmark this thread! :>)
that you pasted in your comment above it opens big, so that’s a test.
The other option is to always use the width=”400″ and then you’re safe.
Just make sure to preview when posting images and you’ll catch ’em … 🙂
Dag nab it. I tried to do this with another photo and it didn’t work.
I’ll try it again now and if it does’t work, I will post the error message.
At fanime, these creatures were considered pets too!
Now that I look at Imageshack, it gives an option to post with a smaller than 400 size, so I am giving that a shot:
Woo Hoo. I think I got it! :>) (sort of.)
Makes it easier if they (i.e., ImageShack) resizes it smaller. Then you don’t have to worry about the width=”400″ bit.
This is great. I’m so stickying this thread.
Any chance I can get someone to tell me the code to post a link with the cool name it yourself function? Like instead of saying
Here is a cool strawberry:
I could just link the word “strawberry” to the picture?
Thanks so much for all of your help. I just wish I had more to share. One of these days I will get the cats in an action shot! :>)
Good to see it’s working …
For the cool name it yourself function ;-), the code looks like this:
< a href=”“ > strawberry < /a >
Remove all spaces between the angle brackets so that it’s all snug and touching, and you get this:
Zippedy do dah! Thanks, O. I have saved the thread and if I ever claim ignorance again…:>)
I used to be so good with this computer stuff, but that was back in the days if DOS. LOL.
I knew there was a reason I woke up. Everybody is posting pictures.
What the heck it that “critter”?
Hey O! I miss the cafes. One of these days, I will do a late night story thread! :>)
And I’d love that … 🙂 I was thinking about your stories the other day, lol.
I think a late night story thread is a great idea.
Come by any time. The cafes are permanent now and are on the “regional” bar on the far right.
Looks like there’s been a fine tutorial in my absence.
That’s a fine looking Scottish Fold. Is it a show cat?
Afternoon Keres.
Hope your Saturday has been good so far.
Great timing…
If you like dogs, dog training & Eastern Europe, check out this vid:
An Evening in Praha