Hillary supporters, show yourselves. I want to know who to blame in 2008 if Hillary wins the nomination. I know of only one blogger who is actively supporting Hillary, who will remain nameless. Where are the rest of you? Not reading my blog, I’m sure.

In just one day, I have read four very disconcerting pieces about Hillary.
First, I will say that a Hillary nomination would risk the Democrats losing in 2008. Missouri state Minority Whip Connie Johnson said of Hillary’s prospects in the general election in Missouri: “If Hillary comes to a state like Missouri, we can write it off.”

Then there are Hillary’s fundraising activities which could become a serious issue. We had Norman Hsu, and now we have a whole lot of‘bundled’ donations in the thousands from working class citizens in Chinatown.

The other stories point to the risk of her winning in 2008. Her ‘bundled’ employee donations from defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop-Grumman, General Dynamics and Raytheon should give us pause. This article from the UK’s Independent notes, “Mrs Clinton has received $52,600 in contributions from individual arms industry employees. That is more than half the sum given to all Democrats and 60 per cent of the total going to Republican candidates.”

Then there’s more dirty money. There is her relationship with Alan Quasha. Quasha bailed out Bush’s business ventures back in the 1980s. More recently, he gave Clinton confidante Terry McAuliffe a job, and his business partner, Hassan Nemazee, is one of Hillary’s biggest fundraisers. There’s more. Lots. Read the whole thing.

Taking a trip down memory lane of my blog, we see the conservatives’ adoration of Hillary HERE and HERE. We see her risk of losing in 2008 HERE and HERE. And then there’s Rupert Murdoch’s support.

So why would we risk losing in 2008? Or alternatively, having a President who will have won thanks to the very people who put Bush in office? Why would we be so stupid?

Crossposted at Worldwide Sawdust and The Liberal Journal