cross-posted @ daily kos

                                        senator obama with gary lamb in chelsea, ia

Debate Schedule

October 30, 2007 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
November 15, 2007 – Las Vegas, Nevada
December 10, 2007 – Los Angeles, California
January 6, 2008 – Johnson County, Iowa
January 15, 2008 – Las Vegas, Nevada
January 31, 2008 – California

                              a blast from the past, a very young barack with his grandpa

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

October 22, 2007 – Countdown to Change, Newark, NJ
October 22, 2007 – Meet the Candidate, Dover, NH
October 22, 2007 – Lunchtime with Barack Obama, Concord, NH
October 23, 2007 – Rally in Boston with Barack and Govenor Deval Patrick, Boston, MA
October 26, 2007 – Countdown to Change, Columbus, OH
October 26, 2007 – Countdown to Change, St. Louis, MO
October 26-28, 2007 – Gospel Concert Series, South Carolina
October 29, 2007 – Michelle Obama with Congressman Patrick Murphy, Philadelphia, PA
October 29, 2007 – Countdown to Change, Charlottesville, VA
November 1, 2007 – Countdown to Change, Durham, NC

2.1M Raised in 3 Days!!!  Obama Asked, We Responded
Former Denver Mayor Federico Peña in Iowa
Michelle Obama in London
Second Choices, Critical in Iowa

                                                   obama in madison, wi, 4000+

Obama to Participate on MTV/MySpace Forum, October 29th

Illinois Senator Barack Obama will be the next presidential candidate to participate in a MySpace/MTV dialogue when he takes the stage on October 29 at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Following on the heels of the first forum with candidate John Edwards on September 27, Obama will answer questions from the live audience and watch as his responses are rated in real time by users weighing in over the Internet.

The forum, which will take place at 1:30 p.m. ET, will stream live on, MTV’s and MTV Mobile, and will air at 7 p.m. ET that evening on MTV. The dialogue will be moderated by MTV News correspondents Gideon Yago and Sway Calloway, as well as political reporter Chris Cillizza, who kept Edwards on his toes during the first forum by feeding him instant audience reaction to his responses with a polling tool supplied by Flektor.  more

Obama Comes Out Against Telecom Immunity Bill
Barack Obama’s campaign has just sent us a statement condemning the Senate FISA bill granting retroactive immunity to the telecoms:

“I have consistently opposed this Administration’s efforts to use debates about our national security to expand its own power, whether that was on the Iraq war, or on its power grab to curb our civil liberties through domestic surveillance programs. It is time to restore oversight and accountability in the FISA program, and this proposal — with an unprecedented grant of retroactive immunity — is not the place to start.”

                                            obama on the late show with jay leno

Audio and Video

Bill Moyers on Blackwater, a must see video; Obama on Cappy McGarr Show; Obama in North Las Vegas; Armstrong Williams; NPR on Obama and Cheney Being Distant Cousins; Samantha Powers

Obama Touts Foreign Policy Record

Presidential hopeful Barack Obama said his foreign policy record leaves him immune to Republican attacks likely to be lodged in a general election campaign.

“My Republican opponent won’t be able to say that we both supported the war in Iraq, because I didn’t,” Obama told a crowd packed into a high school gym.

“My opponent won’t be able to say that I haven’t been open or straight with the American people or that I’ve flipped and flopped my positions, because I haven’t. I’ve been consistent this whole time.”  more

DNC Chairman Howard Dean
The Nuts and Bolts of Winning Iowa, by psericks

                                       obama at Arizona State University, 6000+


Arizona Office Openings; Major Owens Endorsement; New Hampshire Activists Join Obama; Iowa State Representative Mark Smith Endorses Obama; New Jersey Office Opening; Latinos for Obama; Obama First on the Ballot in Vermont; Kansas City Office Opening; Child Advocacy Task Force; Missouri-Kansas SEIU Backs Obama

Pulitzer Winner Roger Wilkins Hits the Campaign Trail for Obama
Quick Notes on Obama

Govenor Deval Patrick Endorses Obama

In an e-mail sent Wednesday to his supporters, the contents of which were read to The Associated Press, Patrick praised Obama’s “unifying, visionary leadership.”

He added: “As a Democrat, I am proud that the field of Democratic contenders is so strong. Many are friends and colleagues with whom I have worked over the years. But frankly, I believe the importance of this election transcends friendships and party. I believe we need unifying, visionary leadership. I believe we need a president who would level with the American people. I believe we need Barack Obama.”

The governor declared that “not just national policy but the national character is at stake.”  more

                                                      obama in reno, +2000


Hollywood; State of Washington; State of Wisconsin; Military Voters; State of Indiana; State of New Hampshire; California, East Bay; Fundraises in Los Angeles; State of Massachusetts

Obama to Attend Congressman Braley’s Fundraising Event in Cedar Falls
Reporting the Obama Campaign Coast-to-Coast

                                         obama in north las vegas, nv

Blogs and Websites

This Week With Barack Obama; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama L.A.; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama


Barack Obama’s Black Wakeup Call
Lincoln Chaffee and Obama?
The Peru Free Trade Agreement and “Fair Trade”, by Elise

Obama Demands that DoJ Fires Voting Rights Chief
Obama demanded that the Department of Justice fire Voting Rights Chief, John Tanner.  As Tanner argues the voting id laws discriminate against whites.

When Justice Department lawyers and analysts found in 2005 that a Georgia law requiring voters to have photo ID would disproportionately discriminate against African-Americans, they were overruled by John Tanner, the chief of the Civil Rights Divisions’ voting rights section. The law was subsequently halted by a federal appeals judge, who compared it to a Jim Crow-era poll tax.

This past weekend, Tanner showcased his own analytical skills, telling an audience that voter ID requirements actually disproportionately affect whites.

Tanner explained that “primarily elderly persons” are the ones affected by such laws, but “minorities don’t become elderly the way white people do: They die first.” So anything that “disproportionately impacts the elderly, has the opposite impact on minorities,” he added. “Just the math is such as that.” Video of Tanner’s remarks were posted yesterday by The Brad Blog. We’ve supplied a transcript below.  joy sinha, AP

I have read a many statements of total displeasure at something or the other, but with such flippance and ease this man had the audacity to make this statement as if minorites had no consequence, or importance.  Yes, this man does need to be fired, but more importantly, Democrats 2008, I hope you have all your election law attorneys ready and set to go.  If we think the antics of 2000, 2004 are going to stop because we are perceived as the the party of choice, think again.  All mud and dirt will be slung to win at all costs.  Look who is in charge!

                                              obama gettin’ a haircut in south carolina

Obama’s Gospel Tour

As religious conservatives gather in Washington this weekend for the “Values Voters Summit,” Senator Barack Obama’s campaign announced its latest effort to attract people of faith to the campaign: a gospel concert tour.

All three of the dates of the “Embrace the Change” tour are in South Carolina, where Mr. Obama is locked in battle with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for black voters

Gospel acts including Mary Mary, Donnie McClurkin and Hezekiah Walker, Byron Cage and the Mighty Clouds of Joy are scheduled to appear.

“This is another example of how Barack Obama is defying conventional wisdom about how politics is done and giving new meaning to meeting people at the grassroots level,” Joshua DuBois, the campaign’s religious affairs director, said in a release. “This concert tour is going to bring new people into the political process and engage people of faith in an unprecedented way.”  more

Federico Peña Launches Nevada Latinos for Obama with Events in Reno
Democratic Luntz, Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama: Parts I, II, III
Obama Joins Fight Over GI Benefits

                                    michelle obama in londonderry, nh

shoutouts:  missed last week’s weekly roundup, here; jeffrey feldman; rudy g’s campaign official’s “n” word problem; paul hogarth; teacherken, is it too late for outrage?, my answer no; voting information; notice a pattern here?; FishOutofWater; bonddad; black kos; is bush relevant?; sen. vitter, hypocrisy and creationism; pontificator; kos on stark; kid oakland; nyceve

                                                      obama on tavis smiley

Obama in East Los Angeles

Barack Obama dived into California’s most contentious policy debates Saturday at an East Los Angeles appearance where he defended immigration reform and affirmative action and criticized Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s veto of a measure to extend college scholarships to students in the country illegally.

“That was wrong,” the Illinois senator and Democratic presidential candidate told several hundred gathered at Garfield High School. “Instead of driving thousands of children who were on the right path into the shadows, we need to give those who play by the rules the opportunity to succeed.”

Later, during a question-and-answer session, he returned to the topic, declaring that if a student had been brought to this country illegally but had been going to school “like every other American child, it is cruel and stupid for us to suddenly say to them: ‘We’re not going to give you college scholarships. We’re not going to let you finance your college education.’ “

Schwarzenegger vetoed SB 1, the California Dream Act, on Oct. 13, saying that the Cal Grant financial aid program and community college fee waivers should be for legal residents, not illegal immigrant students.

Schwarzenegger’s office did not respond to Obama’s remarks.  L.A. Times

If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


icebergslim’s last word:  Sincerity.  Honesty.  Trust.  Change.

The campaign is now ramping up and everyone is in combat mode, but other things are going on to question, judgment.

I wrote a diary about Obama and Iowa.  This diary was about how Obama is doing in Iowa.  But my conclusion of this diary was that we need a candidate who is sincere, honest, and trustworthy and a change.

Over this past week all of the attributes I wrote about has come to bear, why we need total change and not lip service.

The Clinton Campaign seems fit to continue in the lobbyist mode.  Which for that campaign is ok, fair, because she has publicly stated that she will not preclude from accepting lobbyist monies, and she feel that lobbyists are representative of the average American.  Ok, one word for this, “whatever”.

Next, we have to deal with the Lobbyist Luncheon, with members of congress who sit on the Homeland Security Committee, and lobbyists that paid minimum $1000 for access.  After the luncheon breakout sessions, with members of congress, with lobbyists.  Again, ok?  Another statement, “pay to play?”

Then there is the money from the weapons defense industry, another unnerving money scandal, and I can’t keep up because something is always going on with her fundraising, but now the ultimate insult.

The Rural Americans for Hillary Luncheon.  Yes.  Rural Americans.  Only the luncheon is in Washington, D.C. at the lobbyist office of Monsanto.  Ok, again, I am scratching my head.  “Why is this being held in Washington, D.C., at a lobbyist office?”  Why is this not in the middle of some farmland in Iowa?  With farmers?  And for reference here is the invite.   Former Iowa Farmer’s Union President and Clinton Administration appointee Gary Lamb had this to say about this luncheon:

Why the Clinton campaign is talking with Washington lobbyists about rural issues instead of listening to Iowa farmers?  Lamb issued the statement in response to reports that the Clinton campaign is hosting a “Rural Americans for Hillary” event at a lobbying firm in Washington, DC.

“When it comes to the issues facing rural America, it seems like Senator Clinton is listening to Washington lobbyists instead of spending time in Iowa with folks who have been farming for decades,” Lamb said. “I know Senator Clinton said that she believes Washington lobbyists represent real Americans, I just can’t believe that she thinks they know how to farm.”

Now we have a letter sent to Iowans from Clinton, explaining her vote of Kyl-Lieberman amendment.  This letter defends her position and refers to her actions as “stepped up diplomacy.”

Ok, take a deep breath after all those links with information and video.

Now become outraged.

I don’t know what is going on, but all this stinks.  

This cycle is about voting, caucusing for the best person to bring this country together.  The best person to fill the gap.  The best person to make us part of democracy.  The best person to make us feel we are part of the process.  Not for all the above.

If you want change.  You got to fight for it.  And folks, all the above is not change, it is business as usual.

Sincerity.  Honesty.  Trust.  Change.  Barack Obama.

                                                            obama in east l.a.

fall is in full swing, as we prepare for iowa, remember to focus on obama and not the drama

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