Dear Friends and Patriots

Since you are receiving this email, you may very well be aware of the latest developments with regards to domestic spying. The federal government wants to take away the power of the courts to determine if AT&T and other Telecoms broke the law, instead seizing the power to overide the courts. It is bad enough the congress has given those in the government amnesty, it now wants to give amnesty to companies that have good enough lawyers to have known what they were doing was breaking the law. These cases important because they would determine for sure if the law was broken (and so far AT&T is losing).

It is also worth noting that at least one Telecom listened to its lawyers (and/or conscience) and did not break the law and has been rewarded by not getting major contracts from the federal government.

Given that it seems Reid may not honor Dodd’s “hold” request, it looks like his only option to defend our Constitution will be a filibuster.

Details here:

And here:

And here:

Like me, you may feel helpless. Where here is how I think we can bring attention to these important issues, and support those that claim to care.

To assist the Most Honorable Senator Dodd, and any that may join him, we need to send them appropriate supplies for the filibuster.

Therefore I am asking you to send throat lozenges and caffeinated beverages to Senator Dodd’s office in DC for the long nights ahead. You may also want to send other necessities as well, and maybe flowers.

This could be the last chance to save both our constitution and the rule of law (the very foundation of civilized society). Big Corporations must not be able to buy themselves amnesty when they break the lawy And you can bet throat lozenges will get the attention of the media far better than the destruction of our constitution.

Honorable Senator Dodd
WASHINGTON DC 20510                                                    

(202) 224-2823

You can do this easily online. Here are some links (links are provided for your convenience however we do not endorse any particular seller*) or simply buy from your favorite store and ship them to DC.

*Except Phoenix Coffee which is my personal favorite



Coffee and Tea:

Soda and beverages:


OK, get out the credit cards and let’s make history.

Many thanks. I apologize for what some may decide is spam, but I do feel this issue is crucial and as gimmicky this is,  it all that I can think of to do.

This is not about politics, it is about the constitution and the future of our Republic.

Thanks for your consideration.