Good morning there, CG and FM!
Another great day in the making – 60 now, going on 78. Dry and clear. The birds outside sound confused, a lot of chirping for late October.
We had a good trip. Friday was rainy and hectic, got lost a couple of times in Boston (first visit).
The drive back from Brunswick on Saturday was great – though past peak, the color palette was wonderful.
The birds aren’t the only ones confused. Our low yesterday was 46 and last night the low was 68. I need a weather switch to throw. OK it warm now [switch] now it cold.
I put some serious thought into a remedy for you. I’m not saying it’s a surefire remedy, but stand on one foot, close your eyes and say go away three time.
Seriously though a pinched nerve is very painful. I think slacking is the ticket today.
Hopey and Smoochy are best buds now, so maybe I’ll take a page out of their book and not smack all of the Red Sox fans who have suddenly popped up in North Carolina to taunt me. Don’t anyone speak of this tragedy again, please.
Morning, FM. You get used to always falling short… me. The trick is lowering your expectations.
But…my bedroom is finished and last night was the first night I slept there! And there was an owl-pterodactyl hybrid in the pine tree right outside my third floor window, making an eerie sound that sounded like a five-year old yelling “mom?”…..I couldn’t figure out what it was for many minutes until it began the more expected hooting. But it was cool.
I had George scare the hell out me this morning. I took him out and he heads from the patio to the carport. I walk down to the carport to get him back out to the lawn and he’s gone. I run back to the patio, back to the carport and around the house twice. I’m yelling his name the whole time – nothing. I get in the car and drive down the street and find him four houses down. I figure he saw another dog in the carport and took out after it. He’s on my s**tlist today.
Sounds like our Phoebe, flirting with the beagle next door (who is just not ever going to be good enough for OUR girl), and any car that will slow down for her on the road.
The problem with George is he thinks he can tear any other dog up. Doesn’t matter the size. He’s lucky he’s alive because just about every dog around here is bigger than him.
Phoebe does sound the flirt. It might be puppies in the future. 🙂
hi everyone, my boss has just informed me that i’m to attend a training in Phoenix all day tomorrow and thursday so won’t be online to do the welcome wagon. the template is available if you put on the froggybottom suit.
Flight was over an hour late which meant I got in just in time for rush hour traffic — I consider that a pretty good indication of how the trip is and probably will go.
That picture isn’t from MA; it’s from home where the color is actually not bad, just not as colorful as wetter, colder years.
I’m getting there. I had that intermittent pain in my neck that is finally almost gone today, so today should really be productive.
It’s hard because I’m working on substandard stuff that someone else wrote and I was charged with turning from a sow’s ear into a silk purse, so to speak.
Blessed, lovely rain. Twenty-four hours of rain; drizzles and downpours, thunder, wind. It’s the big news around here, pushing Britney and her no panties off the evening news.
Morning everyone, long-time no see. I feel good that I have no idea what you are talking about vis-a-vis Britney. Thank God for a lack of network news in my life!
I just came back from the Boston area and it looks like you were lucky to have any nice color in the Berkshires — there was more green there than her which is very weird as they are usually 2-3 weeks ahead of us and what color there was very muted.
We also noticed that many trees remained green, though there were many many with a great palette of reds and orange.
We plan a couple of more trips, but swimmer had her wisdom teeth extracted yesterday and will need this weekend for recovery. The week after, I guess.
and here’s a link to the old cafe.
Now, about this pinched nerve in my neck…
Good morning CG.
Sorry to hear you have a pinched nerve, and sorry I don’t know anything for it.
I see I’m a late riser and missed Keres, Andi and Ask. Here’s a good morning to them, ah, good morning.
Good morning there, CG and FM!
Another great day in the making – 60 now, going on 78. Dry and clear. The birds outside sound confused, a lot of chirping for late October.
The weather was really nice this weekend, wasn’t it? How was New England?
We had a good trip. Friday was rainy and hectic, got lost a couple of times in Boston (first visit).
The drive back from Brunswick on Saturday was great – though past peak, the color palette was wonderful.
Morning Ask.
The birds aren’t the only ones confused. Our low yesterday was 46 and last night the low was 68. I need a weather switch to throw. OK it warm now [switch] now it cold.
Hi FM! I think I may be following your lead and doing some slacking today. 🙂
I put some serious thought into a remedy for you. I’m not saying it’s a surefire remedy, but stand on one foot, close your eyes and say go away three time.
Seriously though a pinched nerve is very painful. I think slacking is the ticket today.
and good morning again to CG and ask.
I see you were up at 3 again. I think some of my non-sleeping is rubbing of on you.
I think it is — it’s getting rarer and rarer for me to sleep past 4. So I guess I’m going to have to re-think of you as a virus. 😉
I’ll just add that to the number of things I’ve been called before. 🙂
fortunately for the flu vaccine program, you’re a very slackerly virus. 😛
Yep I don’t think the program has any worry. 😉
Hopey and Smoochy are best buds now, so maybe I’ll take a page out of their book and not smack all of the Red Sox fans who have suddenly popped up in North Carolina to taunt me. Don’t anyone speak of this tragedy again, please.
I’m so sorry for your loss. We were here rooting for your Tribe last night, to no avail.
Well, such is the life of a Cleveland fan. Now it’s just a sudden downhill slide into a long miserable winter for them.
… around here … but I’m sensing that its more, “well, maybe the Cavs …” this year.
At least we have the Cavs….you’re right. :0)
… Bungles and Reds … I have to drop down to college football to find a successful team.
Morning SN.
That’s a wonderful picture. Hopey looks very relaxed.
I would ask you how you are doing, but I think I see. 🙂
Morning, FM. You get used to always falling short… me. The trick is lowering your expectations.
But…my bedroom is finished and last night was the first night I slept there! And there was an owl-pterodactyl hybrid in the pine tree right outside my third floor window, making an eerie sound that sounded like a five-year old yelling “mom?”…..I couldn’t figure out what it was for many minutes until it began the more expected hooting. But it was cool.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard an owl around here. If one let out a loud hoot, I’d probably jump out of bed thinking who the hell is out there. 🙂
Umm, just ignore that email I sent you this morning, ‘kay?
How do you think I knew for certain they had lost? You don’t think I actually watched it, do you? :/
Well, sorry to be the bearer of sad tidings. I hope you didn’t read it until after you’d had your coffee.
Here’s my favorite pic of Hopey and one of the boys from the other night.
Now that’s slacking if I’ve ever seen it. 🙂
I’ll tell Hope that she’s your honorary mascot of slackitude for the day. Now I have a doctor appt. 🙁
See you later.
Hopey isn’t honorary. She’s in the club.
Hope your doctor’s appt. goes well.
Hey, I’ve got the twin picture of that one.
For guys and dogs, maybe. But I’ve got to get busy. Have a great, do-nothing day for me. Ta.
Yep I’ve got to get going too. George is ready to go out.
I’ll put in an extra nap for you today.
Good morning all. Another beautiful day here in the Valley. Off to earn my keep.
she got out just in time, the syrian-iraq border is now closed to iraqi nationals, with the exception of merchants and academics.
I’ve got to head off to airport this morning so it’s just hi and bye for me.
Have a safe trip.
Have a safe, short, and uneventful trip. 🙂
How’s the neck this morning?
Still a bit stiff and painful (no tennis for me this afternoon), but better than yesterday.
How are you this morning?
Sounds like you need to go visit Sven the masseur. Sounds much more therapeutic than working.
How’s your morning starting?
It’s starting off very well. Nice and cool but heading up into the mid 80s again, drats. When will it feel like fall?
It’s starting to feel like fall here. Our temps are going to drop this afternoon.
I just checked and it cools off here on thursday, as well as maybe some rain!
Only a couple more days and then you’re there.
I had George scare the hell out me this morning. I took him out and he heads from the patio to the carport. I walk down to the carport to get him back out to the lawn and he’s gone. I run back to the patio, back to the carport and around the house twice. I’m yelling his name the whole time – nothing. I get in the car and drive down the street and find him four houses down. I figure he saw another dog in the carport and took out after it. He’s on my s**tlist today.
Sounds like our Phoebe, flirting with the beagle next door (who is just not ever going to be good enough for OUR girl), and any car that will slow down for her on the road.
The new fence collar is on its way here.
The problem with George is he thinks he can tear any other dog up. Doesn’t matter the size. He’s lucky he’s alive because just about every dog around here is bigger than him.
Phoebe does sound the flirt. It might be puppies in the future. 🙂
Glad to hear your neck is better.
I’m doing fine this morning, just a little over sleepy though.
Good morning all. An overcast day here in the Valley, rain later. Looks like a busy day.
Morning Boran.
It’s overcast here too, and we’re supposed to drop down to 59 by 6:00 pm.
Don’t work too hard today.
Nice slacking weather!
hi everyone, my boss has just informed me that i’m to attend a training in Phoenix all day tomorrow and thursday so won’t be online to do the welcome wagon. the template is available if you put on the froggybottom suit.
boo to unexpected extra duties and the same pay!
What?! You know I look forward to Wednesday’s just to see you in that tight green froggy suit. Looks like I won’t bother to get up tomorrow.
what? a new holiday called halloweenie?
Hollow weenie? Hallowed weenie? I think it might just catch on. I haven’t seen a new picture of Bud in awhile.
that’s because you don’t visit my blog :-p
Busted. I’m not friendly lately….sorry. :/ Is there guacamole and cheesecake?
haven’t had guacamole in a while, but there was cheesecake the other day.
Gotta run, the overlords are forcing me back into a meeting. Blech. Talk to you later
Too bad! Check in to make sure we’re all okay.
where I was shocked to see that the fall color is really, really muted and that some of the trees haven’t even started turned yet.
So I guess I’ll stick with pics from home.
Muted or not, that’s a lot more color than we get down here.
So how’s the trip so far?
Flight was over an hour late which meant I got in just in time for rush hour traffic — I consider that a pretty good indication of how the trip is and probably will go.
That picture isn’t from MA; it’s from home where the color is actually not bad, just not as colorful as wetter, colder years.
That is gorgeous. I’m picturing it matted and framed in my new bedroom.
your reward is in the (e)mail.
I know I’m late to the party today, but this is beautiful, andi.
Are you headed home tomorrow?
Good morning all. Rain here in the Valley, a good thing with our low reservoir.
It’s raining here too, but I’m not complaining, since our water levels are way down too.
Here today it’s soggy and cold. I saw on the news that the winds had died down some in California, and that’s very good news.
Boo hoo, the wifi isn’t working in the hotel and I’m on dial-up. So I might as well get dressed and go in to work.
If the wifi isn’t working in the hotel that means the FSM is playing head games with you.
You use to not have high speed at home, but on trips you could get it at hotels.
You now high speed at home, but on this trip you can’t get it.
Definitely sounds like a FSM head game, or I haven’t had enough coffee, and everything I’m saying makes no sense. 🙂
That is so sad…good thing it’s Friday.
Well, I’m at work (I’m at the company office) now and have a wickedly fast connection so all is good.
And as for the late compliment above — it’s never too late for compliments so thanks. 🙂
OMG, the office, before 7AM? Blasphemy. Don’t let FM see this comment.
It wouldn’t be so bad but I am actually working. And even worse, probably won’t have time to drop back by for a visit until tomorrow.
See ya.
Ugh. I’m glad I caught you this morning, then.
I hope the day flies by for you.
It’s Friday?
Um, maybe that was wishful thinking. Or a lack of caffeine. Or something.
Oy. Maybe I should go back to bed.
Maybe it’s all three. 🙂
I remember last week when you were a little behind on work. Have you gotten caught up it yet?
It might be all three…
I’m getting there. I had that intermittent pain in my neck that is finally almost gone today, so today should really be productive.
It’s hard because I’m working on substandard stuff that someone else wrote and I was charged with turning from a sow’s ear into a silk purse, so to speak.
How are you and FMom this week?
I know what you mean about getting substandard stuff that you have to rework.
We’re doing OK. I think FMom is a little lonesome because no rels have been here for about a week now.
I’m glad to hear you’re neck is doing better.
If you go back to bed for long enough, it will be Friday.
Now that’s my kind of thinking. 🙂
Yeah and you’re probably the only one of us who would be able to do the experiment that confirms I’m right.
Hmmm, with this rain, I might be interested in giving that a try.
Except that I had the best night of sleep I’ve had in a while last night and now I’m not sleepy.
Yep some of us are just naturally talented. 😛
I’ve been up since 12:30 and I’m dozing in the chair. I think it’s time for my first nap of the day.
Everybody have a good day in the pond.
Good morning, FM, CG and Andi!
Sounds like a well-timed decision.
Rain pouring down and it is cold (in other words, seasonal).
Blessed, lovely rain. Twenty-four hours of rain; drizzles and downpours, thunder, wind. It’s the big news around here, pushing Britney and her no panties off the evening news.
Morning all!
Yea! Rain for NC! and PA! and NY!
Now if we could only get Britney to wear panties so we don’t have to hear about it on the news ad nauseum.
Britney’s vag is big news, CG. You’d think it won the World Series or something.
The big news is that Rudy must be smiling with Boston’s win. At least it’s big for the next 20 minutes, then back to Britney.
Yay, we got rain too!
I think that’s because it’s probably seen as much sliding action as home plate at Fenway Park.
How pathetic that she looks so worn-out and used up at 25, and we keep getting the pictures of ass-cheeks flashing up on every “news” show.
Ouch – and LOL.
That was kind of mean, wasn’t it? I don’t know what came over me…must be the horrific beatdown the Sox gave the Rox last night.
Morning everyone, long-time no see. I feel good that I have no idea what you are talking about vis-a-vis Britney. Thank God for a lack of network news in my life!
It’s rainy here in NC and I’m exhausted by it.
Take care.
You have a way with words.
and yay for the weekend.
And yay for being home. Too bad I have to go again on Monday.
Hi all.
Good morning, Andi!
Sure is a day to TFSMIF.

I just came back from the Boston area and it looks like you were lucky to have any nice color in the Berkshires — there was more green there than her which is very weird as they are usually 2-3 weeks ahead of us and what color there was very muted.
Got any campus visits coming up?
We also noticed that many trees remained green, though there were many many with a great palette of reds and orange.
We plan a couple of more trips, but swimmer had her wisdom teeth extracted yesterday and will need this weekend for recovery. The week after, I guess.
Maybe swimmer would like to look at schools in the midwest and then we can have a meet-up. 🙂
You know, maybe she’d like to look at Swarthmore…and you all could stop by afterward. 🙂
Oops, You already answered my question (asked in the new cafe thread). Back next week? Ick.