If you were concerned that the Connecticut for Lieberman Party was going to double in size, fear not. Bob Kerrey has announced that he will not be running for senator from Nebraska. He sent out a press release:
I have decided I will not leave The New School to become a candidate for the United States Senate in Nebraska. The reason is simple
enough: For my family and me now is not the time for me to re-enter politics as a candidate.
This is good news for the Republicans because Bob Kerrey was the strongest potential candidate for Chuck Hagel’s seat. But it is also good news for progressives, who do not need another Bush apologist and warmonger in the Senate screwing up the Democratic brand. Here’s is where things stand in the race.
No Democrats have declared their candidacy in the Nebraska Senate race. Now that Kerrey is out, Democrats will likely turn to Omaha Mayor Mike Fahey or Scott Kleeb, who lost the 3rd District Congressional race last year. Fahey said Wednesday he’ll take the next few weeks to decide whether to run.
Kleeb said he won’t run against Fahey and is not ready to make a decision.
Former Nebraska Governor and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. He should be favored to retain this seat for the GOP. From a progressive point of view our best option is Scott Kleeb. But it looks like he will not run unless Fahey declines to enter the race.
Speaking of handsome.
Handsome devil. If I remember correctly (from the 2006 campaign) Kleeb was still spouting the “I support the president in the war” crap (which made him no different than everyone in this friggin’ state except Hagel). I can only hope his opinion has changed.
Still – he’s better than Herr Johanns, but I don’t believe he would be more than a minor improvement over Benny “the schill” Nelson.
Our so-called Democrats in this state love to claim that they’re independent because they buck the Democratic party whenever they damn well please (i.e., when they think it will get them re-elected or big corp/lobby money). If only a few more GrOPers would be so “independent” occassionally. Chuck’s only an indy thinker on the war. He’s been pretty lock-step with the GrOPer positions on everything else. And he claimed that he initially supported Bush on the war because Bush is “the commander in chief” – which is total bull.